It’s with a huge mix of emotions (insert: wonderment, excitement, sadness, nostalgia) that I let you know that this is my last day as a literary agent. I am leaving the world of publishing to work at the tech news/review site CNET, where I will be helping to coordinate social media strategy. I’m extremely excited about this new challenge and opportunity (particularly since I’ve been such a fan of CNET over the years), though I will be sad that I’ll no longer be working with my amazing clients and colleagues. It has been truly incredible to work with my clients, who are so inspiring and amazing and I know are destined for very fruitful careers. I am leaving them in supremely capable hands, and I will continue to be fans of their work long into the future.
But! The blog and Forums will live on. The topics will change just a bit as I will no longer be in the query trenches, but I still plan to continue to post about writing, books, and whatever strikes my fancy (monkeys) and hope you’ll stick around for the next phase in the blog’s evolution. One thing that has not changed and will not change is my passion for books and writing and I hope this will continue to be a friendly place where writers come together to talk writing and help each other out. This has become such an amazing, positive community thanks to you, and I feel honored to be a part of it.
Let me also say that I have not lost my optimism about the future of books. I really do believe that the present and future is great. Heck, I wouldn’t be spending so much time writing books if I thought all hope was lost. This is more about me being excited about this new opportunity and being very passionate about social media than it is about the current state or future of publishing.
These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, and I wish I could have taken each and every one of you out for a beer to say thanks and tell you in person. Very sorry if I haven’t had the chance to notify you personally. But this isn’t goodbye! See you here on Monday.
Best of luck although I'm certain you will be successful in your new endeavor. I just wanted to thank you for this blog and for always being so accessible to all of us pre-published writers as we grope our way through this confusing and frustrating process! On your forums I met many fabulous critique partners who are also brilliant writers as well as my writing soulmate whose help I think was essential in my finally nabbing an agent. I don't think I'd be where I am right now if it were not for your blog and forums. You provide such a valuable service to the writing community and I'm glad to hear your blog will live on even though you'll no longer be an agent. Thanks for everything!
"Self-trust is the first secret to success." – Ralph Waldo Emerson (But you already knew that.)
I hope you still blog for us, I look forward to your wit and words of wisdom!
I have also taken a job in the social media world, perhaps we will run into each other!
Congrats Nathan, I wish you the best in your new adventure.
Nathan, Nathan, Nathan:
I read the news on the Publishers Table site and ran screaming here. Wow! Just wow! I miss you already and feel that I'm losing an old friend. Thanks so much for all you've done for me over the years both directly (the first paragraph contest) and indirectly (11 gazillion pieces of valuable advice).
Live well and prosper. I'll be reading your books.
I love the way your blog has a new header:
"Nathan Bransford"
Have a grand new adventure, Nathan.
I wish you all the best, Nathan.
This blog has been indispensable and I hope it will continue to be so as well.
Congrats, and good luck!
I do hope we still get the "This Week In Publishing" posts. Those were great!
Thanks for everything–I'm glad to hear you will be continuing to blog on writing.
Good luck in your new endeavor.
*gasp* NOOOOOOOooooooooo~
CNET is lucky to have you.
Congratulations! Best of luck with your new job!
All the best for you, Nathan. Thanks for the guidance you added here. I have always considered you the vanguard of agents in this brave new intrawebs/books age. Now who will fill those shoes? Ah well, greener pastures and all that jazz.
Well, dang. I was very much looking forward to sending you my novel query. But congratulations, and best of luck at CNET!
I wish you the best of luck in your newest career
Wow! Big news and congratulations. Of course I'll stick around for the ride. THank you for the wealth of Lit Agent info–we appreciate it!
Good luck, Nathan!! The publishing world will miss you. Thanks for everything!
Good luck and congratulations on this new opportunity.
I have not forgotten our little "nigerian scammer" discussion. Your attitude and comportment during that exchange was beyond reproach and it was a real teaching moment for me as a man, writer and blogger…thank you.
Give em hell at CNET.
Sorry to see you go. Your blog has been a fantastic resource for writers everywhere. I wish you luck in your newest challange.
good luck to a great guy!
Leaving one endeavor for another is always a mix of sadness and excitement. Best wishes for your new job and thanks for all you've done with your blog. I'm glad we'll still have that.
@Jhon, because they are king in computer field review and news.
– Tanya
Web Designers
After stalking you for a year, I get my manscript up to the door and…! Your changes indicate that you really are the bright, vital dude that you project (and that my path is Option B). Mr. Bransford, sir, remember that they print dollar bills in giant sheets but they don't make more time. Alli's love is the greatest treasure you will ever hold – keep your eyes in the stars, not on the latest spiffy toasters. Best wishes bro, I'll meet that finned Caddy and raise you Piggly Wiggly.
Best of luck, Nathan, with your new adventures!
Well crap. Now I have to find someone else to fill the "when in doubt, query me" spot once I get this novel revised.
And yes, I'm clearly a few weeks behind here.
And since I didn't say it – congrats on the new position and good luck!
Oddly, the transition must have been in the works fro some time, yet all the applicants, some waiting from early September fro replies to their queries, were left hanging.
As one of those so afflicted the lack of professionalism and common courtesy in that lack seems extreme.
Best of luck, man. You've been an incredible resource and friend to not only your clients and would-be clients, but to all writers everywhere. Enjoy your new line of work, and God Bless.