It’s with a huge mix of emotions (insert: wonderment, excitement, sadness, nostalgia) that I let you know that this is my last day as a literary agent. I am leaving the world of publishing to work at the tech news/review site CNET, where I will be helping to coordinate social media strategy. I’m extremely excited about this new challenge and opportunity (particularly since I’ve been such a fan of CNET over the years), though I will be sad that I’ll no longer be working with my amazing clients and colleagues. It has been truly incredible to work with my clients, who are so inspiring and amazing and I know are destined for very fruitful careers. I am leaving them in supremely capable hands, and I will continue to be fans of their work long into the future.
But! The blog and Forums will live on. The topics will change just a bit as I will no longer be in the query trenches, but I still plan to continue to post about writing, books, and whatever strikes my fancy (monkeys) and hope you’ll stick around for the next phase in the blog’s evolution. One thing that has not changed and will not change is my passion for books and writing and I hope this will continue to be a friendly place where writers come together to talk writing and help each other out. This has become such an amazing, positive community thanks to you, and I feel honored to be a part of it.
Let me also say that I have not lost my optimism about the future of books. I really do believe that the present and future is great. Heck, I wouldn’t be spending so much time writing books if I thought all hope was lost. This is more about me being excited about this new opportunity and being very passionate about social media than it is about the current state or future of publishing.
These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, and I wish I could have taken each and every one of you out for a beer to say thanks and tell you in person. Very sorry if I haven’t had the chance to notify you personally. But this isn’t goodbye! See you here on Monday.
I read to the end of the first paragraph waiting for the Just Kidding but it never came!
Congratulations and thanks for your dedication and generosity during your tenure as a blogging agent.
I'm relieved the blog will live on in another skin.
Thank you!
God speed and good luck, Nathan. Your blog has been a real gift. Kim
FWI: You were my very first rejection. You broke my query virginity. I'll always remember you as my first. (grin).
Good luck, Nathan. I'm sure you'll succeed in whatever you do.
All the best , writer's best buddy . Thank you .
The Voice In The Wilderness.
Reminds me of that scene from THE DREAM TEAM when Michael Keaton ditches his cohorts to look up his girlfriend and she provokes a crisis of conscience concerning personal honor, dignity and solemnity. It all works out. Always The Voice of The Wilderness whispers to me; "Remember, The Sacred Trust of The Reader."
"Aye. See ya in another life Brother."
The end of an era . You have been a writer's best little buddy ! Many thanks and all the best Nathan .
Congratulations…you'll rock that place!
Will miss you, Nathan. Thanks for being so kind and so prompt with my full manuscript. Please do continue to blog about the writing world as well as the tech world.
Congratulations, Nathan! Thank you for the wealth of information you've shared here. (I'm glad your blog is not going away.) I wish you the best in your new job!
Publishing's loss is CNET's gain. Good luck at the new job. Keep the blog's lights on. I'll stick around. I'm sure others will too…
So did not see this coming.
Cruised over, ready to check out this week in publishing, and bam!
As you ready through the flurry of comments, I hope you get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing you've heped many aspiring writers, like myself. Your blog is fabulous, and you seem like a pretty cool cat yourself. Good luck, congratulations and keep writing. As the mother of four young boys who are all voracious readers (excluding the three year old — we're just happy when he recognizes letters), I can't wait to get them reading 'bout your boy Jacob. Best wishes and thanks again for all you've done for rookie writers. If anyone deserves a cold brew, it's you.
Sad day.
The dream dies of having you as my agent, Nathan.
But I'm glad you have a bright future ahead of you.
I'm thrilled for you. I mean, yeah, it's sad to see you leave the representing side but the future sounds amazing for you. Best wishes to you. Do you get to test out the new goodies that are about to be released? If so, dang, I envy you.
Good luck in your new adventure! 🙂
Congratulations, Nathan. As we used to say in the Coast Guard, Fair winds and following seas.
Let me rephrase that.
I'm feeling very sad and hurt. I don't know why I feel hurt. But despite telling myself I have no reason to feel hurt, I still feel hurt. I may not be around for awhile while I deal with that.
But, regardless, I think this was absolutely the best decision you could have possibly made for yourself. I suspect it will open doors and develop your skills in wonderful ways. It will also relieve you of a burden of work that was most likely getting in the way of your best path. I'm happy for you, Nathan. You deserve it.
I am grateful to you, of course. You helped me grow not only as a writer, but as a person. I truly appreciate that. I also watched you handle being in the difficult position of 'agent' with grace, generousity and integrity. I learned from watching you meet that challenge so well, and truly admire you for it.
I very much want very good things to happen to you, and I sincerely hope (and believe) this is one of them.
Good luck on your new path, Nathan!
Good luck, Nathan! Thanks for your invaluable advice over the years.
Best of luck in your new career, Nathan. Thanks for all the advice to date, and I'll continue to stop by to read new stuff 🙂
Congratulations and thanks for your thoughts on this blog.
We very much appreciate it and look forward to hearing more good things from you.
Very exciting to hear about your MG novel!!
Congrats on the new opportunity Mr. Bransford! You'll be missed in dead tree-wish business for sure.
But on the bright side (I'm a bright side kind of guy), I love CNET and will be looking forward to reading you there. Make sure you get that Nook Color review up, I'm eyeing one for my wife for Christmas and want the dets from someone I can trust! 🙂
Life is about living it and living it well and fulfilling dreams. Go for it. You'll be great.
Life is about living it and living it well and fulfilling dreams. Go for it. You'll be great.
Best of luck to you! 🙂
Congratulations and good luck, Nathan. I'm sure the publishing world will miss you as an agent, but I'm glad we won't have to miss you and your blog.
Best wishes!! And I'm especially anxious to read that monkeys post. 🙂
Anon @ 1245 Nov 6 –
Oh, no! I'd always hoped to query you when I finally finished my manuscript. Congratulations on your new adventure!
Best of luck in your new venture!
Ah, I knew this was coming. Thank you Nathan for all you've done. The great technical advice and the positive outlook. It means alot in this world today when so many have gone jaded. It's difficult out here for those of us that are really nothing more than lowly epic poets.
Sometimes I feel as though I'm running naked through a field where there's a massive paintball war going on. This place, your blog, provided the cover I needed. It gave me that bit of extra strength to carry on, and a good map on possible routes to the other side.
That's the kind of thing that makes a difference in people's lives. You can't change the world, but you can make a difference. And you have.
Thanks Dude, and Rock on. Of course I'll still be following your blog. I enjoy your outlook on things.
Karen Alexander
Oh my god, I am late in seeing this. But NATHAN, we LOVE you, and my deepest regret will always be that I have not had the chance to query you, or receive your form rejection in my inbox.
Best of luck, and do not fear, I am sticking around (well… maybe "do fear" would be better)
Good luck with your new endeavor! Thanks for keeping the blog and forums alive. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures.
I was wondering if you'd be despondent over this. Perhaps you should talk it out here and, no, I'm not being sarcastic about that. It appears that Nathan will still be blogging, so it would be a shame to lose what you bring to this site.
Thanks Anon,
That's kind of you. Thank you. I feel better having talked about it last night.
And after all, of the 4,600 followers that he had, only four or five of them were his clients. When you look at what he's built here, this rather magnificent site, I suppose he has a lot more to offer the writing community than just being an agent. I certainly have grown enormously from participating here regardless, so there you go. It would be even more sad to have that end.
I've forgiven Nathan for doing what's best for him, although I'm not going to tell him that yet. It can be a secret between us.
Thanks for caring and taking the time to encourage me, I appreciate it.
I'm sure you'll do well in whatever you put your mind to. Good luck with the new gig. I'm glad to hear you'll be sticking around the old interwebs. See you Monday.
Join with the hundreds of others who will wish you well in your new profession. If you put the effort into it that you have in this blog — invaluable resource for all of us — you will be resoundingly successful.
We are relieved to know the blog will continue.
thanks, Nathan. The times they are a changin'
You will probably never read this. But I had to say you are one of the good guys in an industry that sorely needs them.
I wish you nothing but good fortune on the paths your future takes you.
I will be checking in on Monday. Have only success, Roland
Thanks for the great blog, the Forums, the tweets, and just being an accessible source of help to all us in the writing world.
I did a blog post recently on taking my query letter from 'ho-hum' to 'oh yes' and your Forums were at the heart of that post!
Thanks for everything!
Wow! A friend emailed me the news a couple days ago (yes, you are NEWS) but I just got to read this.
Best of luck with the new endeavor. You were my first publishing blog that I followed religiously and you've helped me immensely along the way.
Thank you!
That's awesome news man. Good luck. I've enjoyed reading and learning from this blog and will continue to pick through it.
Congratulations, Nathan!
CNET is lucky to have you and we are lucky not to be losing you.
Wow, I've been a silent but faithful reader of your blog for the best part two years now, and this was the last thing I expected to see happening!
You have hands down the best agent's blog out there, Nathan. Yours has been the voice of sanity in the chaos that the writing/publishing process can be, and I'm soooo going to miss your snippets of fun and wisdom on all things publishing. As so many have said, your positivity is infectious and pretty damn encouraging, especially when the rejections start piling up. Thank you so much for your generous spirit and great advice. Am so glad you'll still be blogging, even if the blog does take a different direction from now on:)
Last but not least, congrats and best wishes! I'm sure you'll kick ass at CNet. They're lucky to have you:)
All the best for the new job! Have really enjoyed meeting you here and am so glad you are planning to keep the blog going.
Can't wait to read your book(s)!
Good luck, though x
Best of luck in your new phase.
Best of luck to you, Nathan! Always need to follow your heart on your career path. You've been a huge help to so many of us, so I'm glad that piece will continue!
Please don't go. i'm sad…excuse me, i think i'm going to cry.
Now that's a shift. I Wish you all the best, Nathan. Perhaps one day our paths will cross again. It was great to meet you out in San Francisco last year. Best of luck with the new direction.
I have learned so much from your blog. Thank you. All the best for the future.
I wish you the best of luck on your new journey. Thank you for always sharing sound advice. I will really miss your wonderful, "This Week in Publishing" posts!!!!
Thanks, Nathan, for your "positivity," and look forward to following that positivity at CNET. Valerie Ormond,