We’re smack dab in the middle of summer and I have loads of reading to catch up on (who says publishing slows down in the summer??), so I thought I would stand aside for the day and let the discussion go where it may.
Open thread!
What’s on your mind?
Oh, also, this video is a gift from me to you:
I love it we're all here instead of writing. Nathan, you my friend are a bad influence (and I mean that in the nicest way possible)
Okay double rainbow guy seriously is crazy pants! The song rocks.
I agree that we should enjoy things but…as for ever missing snot on my hand hmm. Nope, don't think I'll ever miss that.
So I did the I Write Like and my MG fantasy came back as Jane Austen (maybe that's why I'm getting rejections.)
My thriller came back as Rudyard Kipling (Crap! I think I need to step up the pace.)
And my cozy came back first section Charles Dickens second part Chuck Palahniuk (Voice seems to be a problem with this one.)
Or maybe I shouldn't be trying to edit three manuscripts at once.
As for snacks, savory when I'm struggling and sweet for rewards.
I'm breaking out the chips and salsa and turning off the wifi.
What an amazing reaction from that man in the vid. He was hysterical – laughing and crying – over the rainbow. What does it mean, indeed? Did it restore his faith in a loving creator? The rainbow was really fabulous. Thanks, Nathan. 🙂
Word verification: catessio
Thank you for that great writing link, Phyllis! Making my way there at light spped!
That's amazing! The online software came up with Ann Rice for the person I write most like. I adore Ann Rice and it was she who inspired me to write my paranormal. However the excerpt I submited for analysis had no mention of vampire or romance, mainly a description of three people exploring the beautiful wetlands and bird habitat adjoining the town.
I think I now understand a little of what that man felt. 😉
But, seriously, we could only see the rainbow through a video lense, if we were actually there, we could behold its glory with all our physical and spiritual senses. Perhaps, we, too, would be overwhelmed. It's wonderful the effect great beauty has on the soul and the psychye, especially in a world like ours which can be over-run with negativity.
AnnE Rice *g*
You know, I love chatting on Nathan's open thread days, but occasionally, I like to ramble on talking to myself. This appears to be one of those days.
I'm trying hard to answer your question, Nathan, because I realized I didn't address it in my last post. I talked about what HAD been on my mind. I didn't say what was on my mind NOW.
I'm so sorry!
However, I wasn't sure what's on my mind, so I tracked it. I wrote down each thought and how many times I had it on my long drive home over the bridge. And here it is!
The truth! What was on my mind during my drive home for open thread day:
– Oh goody, I get to go home now!
– Dear God in heaven, why is every driver in San Francisco a doofus except me?
– I'm hungry.
– I'm really hungry.
– If I don't eat soon, I'm going to die.
-You're not going to die.
– Yes, I am.
– No, you're not.
– Yes, I am.
– No, you're not.
– Yes, I am. I will die, die, die!
– Fine we'll stop at a resturant.
– Oh goody, I get to stop at a resturant.
– Are we there yet?
– Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry
Lost count
-Oh thank God in heaven, there's the resturant.
– Okay, I ordered, where's my food?
– Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.
Lost count.
-Oh good, my food is here, I'm not going to die.
– MMMMMmmmmmmmm. Yum, yum, yummy, yum, yum, yum. Yum, yum, yum, yum.
15 minutes
– Much better.
– Blech. Stuffed. Ate too much.
– Let's go home and play computer games.
– Oh goody, I get to go home and play computer games.
– Boy, this is a long drive home.
– Dear God in heaven, why is every driver in the East Bay a doofus except me?
– I wish I was rich.
– I wish I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
– I wish I was rich AND I didn't have to go to work tomorrow.
– Why aren't my thoughts more interesting?
– Am I home yet?
– Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry.
Lost count.
– Oh goody, I'm home. I can play computer games.
– I have to do my chores first.
Lost count
Okey dokey, so that's what's on my mind. Thanks for asking Nathan. I'm off to play computer games now.
I LOVE open thread day!
I'm supposed to be working on my next novel. Instead I've just been food shopping and I've been wasting far too much time playing Mass Effect on my PC. My excuse? School holidays – I don't bother with the novel when the kids are home.
At least one person on this thread complained because an agent didn't give her feedback on her rejected full.
Your first step to becoming a pro is to get wise. Agents do not have time to give you feedback. If you're not a client, the agent is not meant to be your teacher, your writing critique partner. Take a class, get a crit group going, win a critique at a conference or charity auction for that.
So … has anyone heard anything about the google book settlement lately? Where exactly is that? It's disappeared from the news completely, and that always makes me a little bit suspicious.
Rainbow man is… nuts.
It means, Rainbow Man, that light is shining through the water droplets and refracting which seperates the "white light" into the spectrum of colours, the visible ones being red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. So take a chill pill and go look up rainbow on Wikepedia, or something.
Ok rant over.
I did I Write Like, and first came up with Shakespear. Huh? Really???
Then Kurt Vonnegut, then James Joyce. Interesting..
Three things:
Who else in the world of blogging can post nothing but "Go for it" and get well over a hundred replies?
Did we ever successfully determine why bad writers think they're geniuses and good writers think they suck? I've thought of different variations of that question for years. Bleh, there seems to be no good answer.
Turns out 'I write like' a combination of Santa Claus and Ernest Hemingway? The gift that keeps on making publishers happy, one comma afer another, page after page. Wow, I really feel good today… 😛 Like, yeah…
Loved the video. Reminds me of my acid days. (Especially with the musical version lilting through my head.)
Haste Ye Back and Jared – thanks for the laughs!
I am excited that it's the weekend. I can work on my current poem, and play with my little girl without thinking about work. Yay for weekends.
@Stephanie: Plug away, girl. I know you can do it.
@WhisperingWriter: You took the words right out of my mouth. Yesterday I looked up the hours to my local library. That's where I will do my writing from now on when my kids are home.
I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog. I don't always have time to comment on stuff but I've really enjoyed the information you post.
Just the other day you blogged about the future of book stores. I didn't get a chance to read the comments but I wondered if anyone thought about the future of libraries? I love going and browsing through "print" copies but I think that is headed for change as well.
Thanks for all you do.
I am happy to say that writing is the last thing on my mind these last few days! I am cooking up a Brazilian feast for a dinner party this weekend and am doing nothing but living in the kitchen! My husband is also in the thick of conversations with agents re: scoring a big film which is creating a buzz in our house like it's Christmas. It feels great to take a break from writing! Finally, I failed to congratulate you and your client regarding RPT; it must be a great feeling.
I found a dead bluebird on my porch yesterday but didn't get rid of it because it was gross, and now I'm worried that today it's only going to be grosser.
And by "yesterday" I mean "Tuesday".
I think the rainbow guy had a completely proper and genuine emotional response. Why do we think he's on drugs??
Sad state of affairs, it tis – we are so jaded.
I am editing and writing. Not in that order and not as enthusiastically as the rainbow guy.
Now if I had a double rainbow to edit/write well then, it would be a different story. Where's my pen?
Novel revision – it's a lot like how yeast reproduce – by splitting – two (smaller) chapters where once there was only one!
Benefits – the narrative arc (rainbow-style) leaps out in a shorter chapter! You can work on the PTQ (Page-Turner Quotient) much more easily! Really fine-tune the transition from one chapter to the next!
Cons – It's really stupid, but as a poet, there's something satisfying about having 10 chapters, each around 10,000 words…that is, they're more stanza-like than chapter-like…rather than having 20 chapters, and some are 4,200 words in length, and others are 3,500, or maybe hit 5,000…can't stand it…
Also, doing a poetry reading tonight – all menstrual poems! Of course, I get my period – I think they call that poetic justice, Aunt Flo style…
Here's an interview with rainbow guy (which is almost as good as the original video) Good even if you have a slow computer, much of it is transcribed.
I guess the video has gone "viral" now. No doubt thanks to our dear Nathan *grin*
Nathan: thanks for the double rainbow! I love them. Most I ever saw were in New Mexico.
@Whisperingwriter: Jacquelyn Mitchard has such a place. One Writers Place, on Cape Cod, available for those in need of solitude to finish or even start writing.
I'm currently proofing my second novel. I think JohnO's advice is great. I am not a fan of writing either synopses nor query letters. Got spoiled when I was younger by an agent who asked for neither and read my manuscripts through rather than having some less-experienced staffer be the first filter.
That said, I'm seeing the benefit in both query letters and synopses to the writer, to help as he suggested spot weaknesses…
I saw that video after Jimmy Kimmel tweeted it and my mouth hung open…wide. The guy had obviously just toked on his pipe filled with wacky.
He's pretty crispy in the interview as well. Classic.
p.s. I know another video that made you smile 🙂
I appreciate Double Rainbow guy for who he is–in all his naive wonder and awe. I mean to say, I love Double Rainbow guy for giving me joy!
I Love you Man!
Andrea: I'm trying to wrap my head around nutella on garlic naan. Both are good, but together? I also have not tried coconut or pretzel M&Ms because I cannot seem to move past the peanut butter variety.
Ishta: I have also failed to try pita crisps. I really need to branch out more.
How many authors have you turned down who have gone on to commercial success with other agents?
Thanks Nathan, everyone, for all of it. I needed a little community time today. As usual, it has been a something-from-every-food-group kind of day on the thread.
Anyone else getting ready for the SCBWI LA convention?
Also preparing for a writing intensive.
So much to read.
So much to write.
Is that the double rainbow, Nathan?
i've seen double rainbows only in Ireland and New Mexico. Cool!
Just concluded the physical,logistical part of my fourth move in three years. I am still writing and attempting to edit and revise my second manuscript. Each time I sit at the computer and read and revise.I am more discouraged.Will i ever learn the craft of writing?I tell a damn good story but does it stand out?
Is it great? Will anyone ever read any of my novels except me?
Haunting questions and doubts creep in silent,insistent and overwhelm the solitary person in the late night/early morning hours.
Mr.Poe,Scrooge and many others have been haunted during those dark,lonely,hours.
Have a scene in my head, it's great, everything is there…
the only problem is I just don't feel like writing!
*Goes to watch TV*
Thanks for the gift. Practicing pitching for upcoming RWA National conference. 🙂
Great discussion. I was referred here by Eric at 'Pimp my novel' another great publishing industry blog. If you're interested in what a fellow writer is doing to market his latest thriller, check out my blog at http://www.markfadden.wordpress.com.
During the first minute of the video, I envied the man's enthusiasm. I don't know that I've ever felt that kind of awe for anything, let alone a double rainbow. By minute two, I began to be glad of that.
Snarky J
Dear Precog writer, just keep writing and good job!
Jenn Marie asked what it means, but we're not supposed to know yet. I don't think.