Applications have opened for the terrific We Need Diverse Books mentorship program, which pairs children’s book authors with an amazing mentor in one of four categories: Picture Book Illustration, Picture Book Text, Middle Grade, and Young Adult.
You don’t have to be a writer from a diverse background in order to apply. Anyone who has written a manuscript that features a diverse main character or diverse central subject matter is eligible. (WNDB’s definition is here).
Bonus: I’m helping organize a program that pairs finalists with experienced editors for a full edit, so even if you don’t win one of the mentorship slots you may receive some help with your work.
Apply, apply! Applications are open between now and October 31, 2021.
Lastly, if you’re able, We Need Diverse is also hosting a fundraiser to support their Native Fund, which supports Native writers and illustrators, schools and libraries serving Native communities, and curriculum.
Please do what you can to support this awesome organization!
Need help with your book? I’m available for manuscript edits, query critiques, and coaching!
For my best advice, check out my online classes, my guide to writing a novel and my guide to publishing a book.
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yesssss– this is awesome! will spread the word.