There are now well over 1,000 posts on this blog, and I want to make sure it’s as easy as possible for you to find what you need.
I recently completed a bit of a behind-the-scenes overhaul and want to point you to a few places where you can easily access the best of the past posts.
Writing and publishing FAQs
If you have a specific question, you can check this post to see if I’ve answered it:
Don’t see your question answered? Reach out to me and I’ll try to either point you in the right direction or cover it in a future post.
Writing advice database
My best writing advice is in my guide to writing a novel, but this post compiles a lot of my key posts on writing and staying sane during the publishing process:
Blog Directory
Ready to do a really deep dive? There are two ways to access the whole shebang of the blog archive.
One is to check out this compendium of all the posts:
I also have gone through and tagged most of the historical posts into categories so you can scroll through at your convenience:
- Book Marketing
- Books
- Business of Publishing
- Contests
- Critiques
- Culture
- E-books
- Genres
- Giving back
- Literary agents
- Nathan’s books
- Nonfiction
- Publishing industry
- Query letters
- Self-publishing
- Social media
- The writing life
- This week in books
- Writing advice
If you forget where everything is, don’t forget that you can access these key posts and more from the menu in the header menu, or by going here:
Have any questions or suggestions? Let me know in the comments!
Need help with your book? I’m available for manuscript edits, query critiques, and consultations! And if you like this post, check out my guide to writing a novel.
Art: The Village Clerk by Albert Anker
Great, Nathan! Your blog is a goldmine of info and experience, the kind of stuff that cannot be condensed into a mere Tweet. I hope more writers and others use it.
Nancy S. Thompson says
I first discovered your blog back in 2010 and scoured every topic for all the info and advice I could find, which was (and still is) a lot! I refer writer friends here all the time. But your biggest gift to me came within your critique partner forum. My first CP was a bust, but my second connection was life-altering. We became best friends and still critique for each other to this day. She’s a big time bestselling author now, something I knew would happen when I read the first paragraph of her first manuscript. More importantly, she’s incredibly dear to my heart, my writing soul mate, as she dubbed us. So thank you, Nathan, for providing the opportunity for us to meet. I’ll always be grateful to you for that!
Nathan Bransford says
Wow, that’s so great!! So happy to hear that.
Kathy Nickerson says
Wow! How long did this take? And, seriously, this is such a generous act. Thank you.