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Dumbo in Brooklyn. I’m on Instagram here! |
Thanks for all the well wishes as I start my job at Freelancers Union! The photo above is actually of the neighborhood where I’ll be working. Rough life!
Also, before we get to the book links, one of my very best friends has started a new premium line of men’s boxers called President for Life, which you should definitely check out. It’s been awesome to see him get this off the ground and needless to say the style is impeccable. His mission statement is here.
On to the links!
E-books are still in the minority, and many people swear they’ll never switch away from print. Here’s a look from the opposite direction: A rare books dealer on the pleasures of reading e-books.
From io9, a really great post by Charlie Jane Anders on the 7 deadly sins of worldbuilding. Also from io9: Some very cool vintage book covers.
Has the center of gravity in the book world started tipping away from New York and London, at least in the literary imagination? A researcher mapped mentions of cities in novels by year and found their place ebbing.
No surprise, but 50 Shades of Grey author E.L. James topped the authors earning the most in the past year, with a whopping estimated $95 million. James Patterson wasn’t too far behind with $91 million.
With some pushback on the idea that e-books are declining and even before a very disappointing earnings report from Barnes & Noble, there has been some talk about what the publishing landscape will look like if and when bookstores go away. Here are three different takes on why it might not be a bad thing (at least, presumably, if you’re not a bookseller), including must-read by Mike Shatzkin on how losing bookstores would be a much worse thing for publishers than for readers.
Starting with the premise that only 9% of technologically disrupted organizations ever recover, an interesting article in Futurebook looks at what publishers should be doing in order to survive. (via Stephen Parrish)
Royalty statements can be completely bewildering to read, but luckily agent Joanna Volpe is here to help.
According to a study, 38% of readers will finish a book no matter what. Are you one of them?
Don’t forget about the discussion forums! Want to ask me a question? Need some help with your query? Want to brainstorm or vent about the writing process? Stop on by! Admission is free.
And finally, I’m probably the last one to know this but you’ve probably seen this famous excited baby GIF around the Internet:
What I never realized is that the full video is even more hilarious (via Mashable)!
Have a great week!
Congratulations on the new position!
I finish every book I start. It's just that sometimes I skip from the second chapter to the last page.
I was hoping the article about city mentions would have a map. Alas.
Congrats on the job…I didn't even know there was a Union like that and I will be checking them out…as a freelancer who has been around for ten years.
Love the boxers. I would wear them as shorts outside.
I'm one of the 38%. And it pains me greatly when I hate the book.
I used to finish every book I started, but nowadays I'm so busy writing and editing, I just don't want to push through a book I don't love in the first three chapters. I usually set it down with hopes to try again in a year or so. I still have a few books I've never been able to finish.
Wow, stunning picture. Thanks for the links, Nathan!
Terrific article by Shatzkin. Not too shabby to have a shout-out like that, Nathan! 🙂
I liked Seth Godin's article too, about why books declining might not be a bad thing.
That article, actually, led me to a powerful insight recently. I realized that – as we watch Publishing unwillingly transform due to a technological disruption – we are also watching an entire Industry move through a grieving process.
You can see it in many of the articles that are written on the Web. Many of them are in the earlier stages of grief, and realizing this helped me understand the tone of the articles more, and feel more compassionate.
But I think the articles that you linked are in the acceptance stage. There's a real poignancy to Godin's writing here, but also an acceptance and a readiness to move on and embrace the future. And Shatzkin is facing it full direct on. That can be a powerful thing to do.
Good luck on the new job! Another good post.
Thanks Nathan for creating an avenue to find new resources and information. On to new adventures….
I hadn't seen or heard of the baby vid/gif. I live under a pumpkin here….but no babies…just moi. I can understand it's popularity. Enchanting *g*
Thanks for the photo of your new environment. Nice!
Fifty Shades of Grey has garnered $95 million in royalties? Say what? I can't believe this book's popularity is mainly because of its steamy nature. It'd be safe to say that no other books of this nature have been as successful. There must be some special way that the story and/or characters have engaged the reading public. Must…read…it. I've read excerpts which haven't captured this elusive charm for me, but I'm sure on deeper investigation, err, all will be revealed? *g*
I guess I am old school. I still like my print books and bookstores. E-books are great too, but I still prefer print. I like to physically hold the book and turn the pages. It is comforting and familar. My own book, Mason Davis and the Rise of the Storm Makers, is still in print only. Although it too will be coming out in e-book form.