What a month. Sorry for the general lack of blogging. Between two weddings, iPhone launch month at CNET, planning a cross-country move, and an only-in-New York apartment search, things are falling into place.
I’m here in New York, I have an apartment lined up, and I’m looking forward to getting into my new routine.
Things are probably going to still be a little sporadic around here until I get settled, but looking forward to getting in the swing of things soon.
And New York people, forgive me if it takes a little while for me to reach out. I will do so soon!
Anonymous says
Congrats on the big move…and the two new brides ;).
Nathan Bransford says
One bride and three grooms!
Lisa Shafer says
All the best to you as you settle in. Good luck.
And reading the above interchange as written, I have to chuckle at REALLY congratulating the bride if she got THREE grooms!!! 😉
Okay, seriously then– congrats to the happy couples, however they may be arranged. 🙂
Kathy Collier says
Oh, how I understand moving. I've only recently gotten settled and that wasn't a cross-country move. In my case it has been lots of funerals.
Have a safe trip and hope things go good for you Nathan.
Robena Grant says
So glad you checked in. I was wondering. : )I know, it's the mother in me. Congrats! to the happy couples, and to securing that new pad in NYC.
Mira says
Wow, Nathan. That is so exciting, you're in New York! 🙂
Like Robena, I was wondering abit, but I figured you were pretty busy with the move.
Did you take that picture, it's beautiful!
Enjoy your new apartment,
that must feel good to be settling in. And your new job, and all your fun newness! 🙂
britney fitzgerald says
WOO! Welcome to the city! There's nothing quite like this lil' cultural epicenter.
Occasionally, you'll want to punch someone in the face (because another car alarm went off at 6am, or because the subway is under construction again). And at times, you might want to flee to a place with real grass, and less broken glass.
But then, New York… she's always quite redemptive. 😉
Anonymous says
Missed you!
Natalie Aguirre says
Congrats Nathan on your move! Don't worry about blogging while you get yourself settled in. Hope you enjoy New York.
Natalie Aguirre says
Congrats Nathan on your move! Don't worry about blogging while you get yourself settled in. Hope you enjoy New York.
Elizabeth Greentree says
Wow, I'm still new to reading your blog, but I really like how you share personal details, and everyone comments as if they were your family.
Congrats on the move.
Bryan Russell says
Brooklyn, Brooklyn, take me in…
Will Overby says
Welcome Back, Nathan! You've been missed!
Anonymous says
"One Bride and Three Grooms"
What a fantastic book title!!
Hope you're getting settled and not spending too much money in Gracious Home 🙂
Carol Riggs says
Best wishes to you as you settle. What a big change! Enjoy biting into that Big Apple. ;o)
Cathi Stiler says
Welcome, Nathan!
Enjoy the city.
Cathi Stoler
Mark Darley, Author says
You stay classy, Nathan. Good luck to you.
Anonymous says
TWO marriages? ah, so you're mormon now. pls post pic of you in magic underwear
Anonymous says
One bride and three grooms!"
You're an Avetts fan???
marion says
Enjoy your new apt. and life in the "city that never sleeps"!
Terin Tashi Miller says
Yay! And welcome to ex-Mr. Agent Man! (Did CNET type a bunch of xxxxs through your California i.d.?)
Will patiently await contact… and glad you have a place lined up. My suggestions otherwise would have been a) DUMBO and b) New Jersey.
Laurence King says
Great having you back, Nathan!
Emily Wenstrom says
Congrats, have fun settling in! I have some friends in NYC so I get up there somewhat frequently — would love to meet up sometime while I'm there.
wendy says
Lucky New York peopl 🙂
Anonymous says
I live here and still that blog picture too my breath away.
Welcome the Big Apple Nathan.