Following Part I
Person #1: You know what drives me crazy? I just can’t believe how many insanely wonderful books are out there. I don’t even know what publishers are thinking publishing all those insanely wonderful books.
Person #2: I know! I walk into a bookstore and I can’t even find a book to read because there are so many insanely wonderful books to choose from.
Person #1: You know I read an entire book the other day and I found ZERO TYPOS?
Person #2: Ugh. How anything gets published with zero typos I’ll never know. Do you know how easy they are to miss?
Person #1: Zero typos! I swear! I was so impressed I threw it across the room.
Person #2: You know what I’ve heard? There aren’t any editors who don’t edit anymore.
Person #1: No!!!
Person #2: Yes!! It’s true.
Person #1: Well, you know what publishers really care about… publishing good books.
Person #2: It’s a scandal.
Person #1: An outrage.
Person #2: There are just too many great writers out there to choose from. That’s why publishing isn’t going down in flames.
Anonymous says
Isn't this what they were saying at Snookie's release party?
Ann Elise says
Dominique says
This post is full of win. Revisions are hard work, and revisers are definitely under-appreciated.
Ted Cross says
I avoid parties if possible, because no one ever talks about anything interesting. Everyone is so busy being polite and making small talk. Ugh!
wendy says
I once bought a black dress thinking it would look great at cocktail parties. Then I moved to a tiny country town where most of the residents where over 65 and weren't into that scene. Most of them don't read books and still have no idea what Twilight is. One actually asked me, 'What's Twilight?' when I mentioned the book title. Bu-u-ut this is Australia where fantasy lit is NOT big amongst the country folk who are very, very earthy indeed. I, a fantacist, struck my neighbours as so strange when I first moved to the afore-mentioned tiny town, some were convinced I was a witch. A good witch, of course, especially with a first name like Wendy.
Anonymous says
Another great post , but could have used a * blech * somewhere .
Terin Tashi Miller says
Person #1: And I discovered this great new novelist/novel (insert you or your work's name here).
Great post. Wish you were still in the bidness.
Adele Richards says
well said, sir, well said.