Now that NaNoWriMo is in full effect, I thought I’d return to a post from approximately a year ago to see which way the genre winds are blowing in late 2010. Will the breakdown be the same as last year? Is there a genre or two that are growing in popularity?
Poll below.
Also, I know genre distinctions are blurry, so just pick one in case there’s overlap. And remember, when in doubt: go with the section of the bookstore your book would be stocked in. As before, I added “paranormal” to the categories even though it’s not typically a bookstore section simply because there are so many people writing about vampires, werewolves, etc.
My answers is still the same as last year: middle grade science fiction.
I'm going for literary fiction.
It's got dragons, so it might appear fantasy, but it's really science fiction.
Wow, the answers so far are EXACTLY the same as the ones from last year. Adult literary fiction, Mystery/suspense/thriller, and fantasy, and YA fantasy. Though YA general and SciFi are on the rise as well as MG fantasy.
Definitely interesting.
I'm writing a romantic comedy. =)
I'm writing in the "Satire, Humor & Parody" genre. That one is listed in the NaNoWriMo choices section, why did you leave it off your list?
It makes me sad to see so few people are writing historical fiction on any level. What am I going to read in the future???
For those interested. As of 1,880 votes, the biggest changes from last year to this (meaning a change of more than 1%) are:
Literary Fiction -2%
YA (SF) +3%
MG (Fantasy) +2%
And that's it. I'm going to call Hunger Games as a strong reason for the 3% increase in YA SF, but what do I know?
I know Women's Fiction is the PC genre for my book, but dude, it's totally chick-lit. Pure fluff, which is my favorite thing to read…and I'm 30, and a mom, and a semi-smart copywriter.
Middle grade SF here – I'm writing a couple of Hal Spacejock Junior books. It's a refreshing break from 95000 word novels, and it's nice sticking to one viewpoint and a single plot strand.
I think I've spent too long on Facebook – while reading through the comments I kept wanting to 'like' them.
(Would be kinda fun to have that facility here though and see which comments gain the most lurve!)
(Oh and I'm MG Mystery)
It's mid teen/YA fantasy with a dollop of sci-fi. No zombies/vampires/werewolves, but definitely features a few mythological creatures!
I'm curious…it seems like a lot of people are doing steampunk. Is this the next big thing?
I put YA science fiction, but it's more steampunk/science fantasy.
I'm writing an outgrowth of steampunk I refer to as Atomic Punk, Same general setting with a small cast of characters and main protagonist they circle around plotwise who have accessed the full range of technology (still not available)that governments would kill to acquire; including ships as information tranfer agents and the bridges through the timescape fabrics to safeky operate them. In effect they become the dominant Time Mafia that lies behind behind many key events of human history.
My vote is under semi-protest as apparently "Paranormal" now refers to everything *except* ghosts???
I answered science fiction, though it leans cyberpunk. 😀
I so wish Nathan Bransford was posting more this week. Being the first week of NaNoWriMo, I could really use some more pep talk from my coach! What is it about a Friday in November that makes one so melancholy and so in need of milk chocolate?
In other news, I'm chaperoning a junior high dance tonight! I bet I'll be hearing some Usher.
That is all. abc
You know, I wish people would stop giving Nathan a hard time about the catagories (especially since half the time, the catagory is there, just spelled differently).
He's posting from New York, and I think he's going above and beyond, as he always does. He listed tons of catagories.
I find the poll really interesting mostly in looking for trends. It doesn't matter to me if I'm specifically represented – but then, frankly, I'm sort of weird. If I could have my very own Mira genre, that no one else every wrote in, that would make me supremely happy.
Anyway, I think the world of Nathan, and I don't want him to feel unappreciated.
just joining up here…! i am in the very unpopular category of memoir!
I'm ashamed to say that I'm doing a paranormal fiction. After the Twilight craze, it seems like overkill buuut.. that's why I cut vampires out of it. It's the first in a series that is tentatively hoped to be a trilogy.
My book this year is fantasy with my my favorite blend of sub-genres: political/adventure. 😀
Hi Nathan, Would you please add 'poetry' to your list? It is such an important genre, so neglected in the world sometimes. Thank you. A.