(6PM Update Below – keep clicking and commenting on the links!)
You guys are the ones who make this blog, and if you are reading it in a place that’s warm and safe like I am we have so much to be thankful for.
You may have already heard of Heifer International, an organization that works to fight hunger by giving needy families around the world and in the United States livestock, training, or other assistance that helps improve their livelihood. Heifer has been recognized for its work in Fast Company and Forbes, among other places.
I know we’re going through tough economic times, but if you have anything to spare this holiday season I hope you’ll consider making a donation. And, in order to encourage people to spread the word, for every comment someone makes in this post between now and 5PM Pacific time, my wife and I will donate 50 cents $1.00*.
(*Up to $1,000, I’m on a publishing salary people)
And, better yet, if you want in on the fun you could do a per-comment pledge on your own blog and I’ll link to it in this post and encourage everyone to stop by so we can multiply the giving!
In your comment I hope you’ll list:
1. Your name
2. Where you’re from
3. A wish for 2010
4. (optional) A link to your own blog or website if you want to make a similar per-comment pledge (amounts totally up to you). Write a dedicated post on your blog for people to leave comments on your blog and link to Heifer and state your pledge. I will update the post throughout the day with links to other participating blogs.
Thanks again for a wonderful 2009! I’ll be closing comments on the blog between 5pm this evening and Monday as I spend time with my family, and will be back with some reruns from yesteryear on the 28th.
Also spreading cheer with their own per-comment donations (please make sure to click through and leave comments!):
Amanda Plavich
Anna’s Got an Attitude
Where’s My Whiteout?
Single Mom Seeks Sane
Muse Ink
Matt Heppe
Anvil of Tears
John Ochwat
Jennifer R. Hubbard
Kathryn Jankowski
Robin Mullet
Ink Spells
Phoebe Kitanidis
Regan Leigh
Jeri Smith-Ready
Moira Young
Mother Wouldn’t Lie
Linda Godfrey
So Many Dreams
The Book Designer
Irene Rawlins
Patrick Rothfuss
6PM Update: WOW!! All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who participated in our inaugural charity drive. Thanks to you, this is the total donation for this blog ($1 x close enough to 1,000 comments = ……):
And according to my calculations, if the other blogging participants reach their comment pledge goals it will mean another $1,250-$1,500+ for needy families. That’s what I call multiplying! But that will only happen if you keep commenting on those blogs. Many of the participants above have extended their deadlines, so if you’re just arriving click those links above and comment!
This has been a fantastic experience, but it’s just the beginning: next year we’ll really blow it out (and hold it at a time when more people are on the Internets). THANK YOU again to everyone. All comments from here on out will be held for moderation (and not generally looked at) as I’m away with my family, but will be back on Monday. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Mary says
Mary from Boston and John O's cousin.