The published! They are the hardy souls who have climbed the Mount Everest of the writing and publication process. They scaled the foothills of writing, ascended the steep cliffs of agent-finding, and rose to the pinnacle of authordom without being felled by a freak storm and resorting to cannibalism (that you know of).
These pioneers make the multi-year climb, they stand atop the peak… and then realize it’s sometimes a little lonely and chilly up there.
They shout, “Please! Buy my book (book book book echo echo echo)……. Um… please? (um… please? um… please? um… please? echo echo echo)
How can you help out these writers, the ones whose book you happened to hear about on a blog or picked up off the street or checked out at the library and loved?
The best way: buy a new book.
Authors don’t get royalties for used book sales, their sales reports aren’t padded when 10 friends pass along their book to each other, they only get credit for one sale no matter how many times people check it out from the library.
So: In honor of published authors, especially the ones who are living in non-bestsellerdom… let’s help these people out.
For Published Author Day on Writer Appreciation Week I encourage, nay, require, nay, okay you can do whatever you want, everyone to buy a new book. And then brag about it in the comment section.
If times are tough for you at the moment: totally understand. There are lots of ways to support our favorite published authors. And it just so happens that Eileen Flanagan has a great post on how to do just that. (via Janet Reid)
Write a positive Amazon review! Or a Goodreads review or Tweet or blog about how much you love it! Help out your favorite authors. And then brag about it in the comments section.
I just bought LOST CITY RADIO by Daniel Alarcon. And THE GHOSTS OF BELFAST by Stuart Neville.
What about you?
Okay, if you're FORCING me…
Bought today:
The Princess and the Hound by Mette Ivie Harrison
The Fold by An Na
The Devil's Kiss by Sarwat Chadda
and Dora Halloween (ow! I challenge you say no to my kid's puppy dog look. At least five words were in Spanish. That's something. Right?)
You know, I do this now. I make it a habit to buy books from new authors (or less well known authors). I also love to write Amazon reviews. Your post reminds me, there are a few I need to write lol.
I just received a gift card and plan to use it to buy a few new ebooks.
I loved LOST CITY RADIO. Just bought THE ELEGANCE OF THE HEDGEHOG by Muriel Burbery, WISH YOU WERE HERE by Stewart O'Nan and the audio version of THE HITCHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY.
I bought two copies of Melanie Gideon's The Slippery Year, one copy of Kathryn Ma's All That Work and Still No Boys, and one copy of Victor LaValle's Big Machine last week – all full price from independent bookstores – so I'm taking this week off!
I just bought (yes I did, sorry to those who think overly popular authors might hurt their sales) the new Dan Brown book Deception Point. Why? Because I just plain liked his other books that I read.
I also bought Wolf's Gambit by W.D. Gagliani. Two reasons for that purchse. First, it's an author I've never read (or even heard of) and I like trying new authors. Second, it's about werewolves and I've always had a special soft spot for classic b-movie type monsters from my chilhood love of everything monsters, b moster movies, thrillers, and horror genres of all types. Lets hope I won't be disappointed.
My trouble is finding time to read all the books I get, but I do buy for just this reason. My latest run included:
Dark of Night by Suzanne Brockmann
Walking Dead by C.E. Murphy
Faefever by Karen Marie Moning
Cape Storm by Rachel Caine
Crystal Healer by S.L. Viehl
They're all great authors and worth supporting to make sure they keep writing.
I bought about 10 new and 1 used (out of print) book in the last two weeks. I always try to buy new. Quite a few of the books I buy are debut or sophomore books, too.
Let's see if I can remember most of them:
The Forest of Hands and Teeth
The Hunger Games
The Eternal Prison
Chasing Smoke
Tricks of the Mind (the OOP book)
The Con Man (I think that's what it's called)
A YA book that caught my eye that I'd never heard of before
Guillermo del Toro's book
Um…I know there are more, but I forgot the rest.
I have to whittle down this TBR pile before I buy more.
This week I bought several new books! 🙂 I always buy new because, well, I'm kind of prissy about my books. I need them to be in pristine condition and remain so (meaning, so spine cracking please!) so… I just buy new all the time. Even though, right now, it's not the best time for me to splurge.
Still, I set out to buy Diana Peterfreund's RAMPANT, a YA novel about killer unicorns! Also, I bought Rick Riordan's boxed set of the first three books in the Percy Jackson & the Olympians series. 🙂 So far, I'm loving it!
From the land of the unemployed masses, I love the idea of reviewing!
I've got a list 100 long of books I want to pick up, but they're going to have to wait for the christmas gift cards. Or, hopefully, holiday hires.
I'm going to go through my LibraryThing reviews, and go post them on Amazon! I hadn't thought of that as a way of helping our authors.
I bought two books from one of the keynote speakers at the Hawaii Writer Conference and a few more books that were recommended to me by writers at the Borders across the street!
I also have a habit of hunting every debut author I can find in the YA section that has a remotely interesting book because I believe it builds good karma.
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