Confession time: I got a book deal. For a novel. My own.
I never started this blog, nor did I become a literary agent, because I wanted to be a writer. When I started as an assistant at Curtis Brown in 2002 I had some vague notions that I might write a screenplay… or something… someday… maybe… but that was quickly consumed by the more-than-full-time job of being an assistant and trying to work my way up in the publishing world.
I started the blog because being a literary agent is not only my job, it’s a true passion, and I wanted to both help out the unpublished and try to differentiate myself from the scores of other agents out there. Not, let me say again, because I thought of myself as a writer or had any designs on being one.
Fast forward to October 2008. The publishing industry and broader economy was in total meltdown apocalyptic mode, the whole country was stressed out about the election, and I had this idea for a novel… what better time to write a novel, right???
So, over the next several months, over late nights and weekends, I wrote a middle grade science fiction novel called JACOB WONDERBAR AND THE COSMIC SPACE KAPOW, about three kids who trade a corndog for a spaceship, blast off into space, accidentally break the universe, and have to find their way back home.
(And yes, San Francisco residents: Jacob’s namesake is the completely delicious Philz coffee brew).
Whew! Finished it!
Then I had to find an agent. And no, I couldn’t represent myself.
I sent out my queries, got my share of rejections, stressed plenty, but found my way to the awesome Catherine Drayton at Inkwell, who, to my extreme delight, agreed to take it on. (Why not Curtis Brown? I wouldn’t have wanted it to be awkward for my coworkers when I devolve into an unrepentant diva.)
Then came the submission process, where I… also got my share of rejections.
But then. Then! The clouds parted, the light shone through, and Dial Books for Young Readers at Penguin agreed to publish it. JACOB WONDERBAR AND THE COSMIC SPACE KAPOW will come out in 2011.
Now. Let me try to preempt a few questions that will be on the lips of many an anonymous commenter:
Did you have an advantage being a literary agent?
Yes. Are you kidding me? Yes.
I have been eating, breathing, sleeping, inhaling, and ingesting books basically nonstop, 24/7, for seven years. It’s my day and night job. I’ve seen tens of thousands of query letters, and I (hopefully) know what makes a good one. I’ve been working with some of the most talented writers in the world and have had to think extremely hard about writing and plot and all the other elements that go into a book.
But before I’m held up as an example of all that is wrong with publishing these days, please consider the following:
This wasn’t actually the first novel I have written or tried to have published. Like many writers out there, the first novel I wrote (deservedly) crashed and burned. Couldn’t find an agent and justifiably so. Because it wasn’t good enough. Like many people, I had to experience the pain of giving up on it, putting it in the drawer, and battling a serious case of the “Am I crazies” when I decided to start another one.
So… if all it took to find a publisher was being a literary agent and having a blog: you would have been hearing me announce a deal for that novel.
Let me also just point out that whatever advantage I have as a publishing employee is completely open to everyone: you just have to find a job in publishing, toil away for seven years in the industry, steadily gain everyone’s confidence, and then write in your spare time.
Trust me, there are easier ways of getting a leg up.
But it’s not really a coincidence or a sign of inside dealing that there are so many agents and editors who write: they’ve already devoted their lives to books because they love them dearly. Of course some of them then decide to write themselves.
Are you giving up agenting?
Uh……………. No.
Let me elaborate: No. No no no no no no.
I’m first an agent. That’s my job. This novel is just a fun side project. My clients and prospective clients always come first. I made it a point of pride that my response times never, ever suffered as I was working on my own projects. Not for queries, not for partials, and especially not for my clients.
If anything, going through the publication process has made me a much more empathetic agent. I thought I would be totally cool throughout the process… I’ve seen this before! I know what it’s like! Yeah, not so much. I learned a huge amount and have (I hope) become a better agent for it.
Will this blog be changing into a vehicle for relentless, egotistical self-promotion over the next two years (god, I’m going to have to hear about Nathan’s freaking novel nonstop for TWO YEARS someone please just go ahead and kill me now)?
(Just kidding).
Anyway, hope this explains why I’ve been so sentimental on the blog lately. This has been quite a roller coaster of a process, and I’ve been feeling the ups and downs of the writing life very keenly over the last year.
Thanks so much for reading this blog and for all of your great comments. I really can’t even express just how much I’ve learned from all of you.
Mira says
I'd never argue that you have sense, Bryan, even of the spider type.
Btw, hope I'm not being too intense for people. I'm a counselor, and I talk about heavy stuff ALL DAY LONG.
Speaking of which, I'm going to stop talking now. I think I'm down to one post a day for the next month. It's going to KILL me.
Robert W. Leonard says
Nathan, that is great! Congratulations on the book deal.
Terry says
Just popped back in, and my, no one can ever accuse this blog of not being lively!
Mira, no one's counting, I'm sure. You have insight that lots of people might like to read, me for instance.
Mira says
Thanks, Terry, I'm really glad. Thanks. But I'm counting!!
Bryan, I may need to have a talk with you someday. When you get that book deal. Fair warning. 🙂
kdjameson says
Is there anyone from here who will be at Nathan's workshop tomorrow in San Francisco?
Justine Hedman says
Well, congratulations Nathan, and the best of luck! You must be sooo excited… 2011… I'm looking forward to hearing more about the process from here on out as your book makes its way through to being shelved. Not only from you as an agent but now from you as the author. You'll become a little plethora of knowledge for those interested in seeking it out. Thanks. You're hard work is not only paying off in your own life but its helping to inspire others and giving us an insite into a business where the more you know the easier it is to get by.
I've enjoyed reading your blogs and learning what you have to offer and I'm excited for what this will mean to your readers as well. Its also about the time my kids will be the age of reading… so I'm guessing I'll probably have to buy it. 😉 Though I would have expected it to have monkeys…
Congrats! We're all proud of you!
William says
Anonymous says
kdjameson, on the Friday post. Robin is going. JJBennet is going.
Mim says
Congratulations! That's awesome!
Camels & Chocolate says
I just read this post for a, uh, third time because it makes me SO happy. Yay you! Can't wait to properly toast your success next week!
Melissa Pearl says
Sorry for the late post.
THAT'S AWESOME!!! Congratulations 🙂 Can't wait to read it in 2011.
Anonymous says
Congratulations! I can't wait to read your book. It sounds really cool. Could you post your query? It could be really helpful for those of us struggling to learn how to write a good one.
Carol Piasente says
Congratulations! All your loyal blog readers will now be loyal Wonderbar fans!
kdjameson says
Nathan, I really enjoyed the workshop today – not only good information but a lot of fun as well. Thank you!
Rebecca Woodhead says
Always great when someone gets published – you writer you!
Rebecca Woodhead
Fawn Neun says
This is the first chance I've had to come over here and congratulate you. This is really wonderful. 🙂
sylvia says
Wow, congratulations! I can't wait to see it in print!
Genella deGrey says
My son is going to LOVE this concept – and I'm going to LOVE reading it to him!
Big congrats, Nathan!
gillian says
I had no idea you had so many lovers! Well, why not? You've been so consistanly good to us, you deserve a huge following. Big Congrats on Wonderbar! I too might trade a spaceship for a good corndog. Kids should love this!
All the best to you!
Galatia says
Wow wow wow!!! I can't wait to read it and promote it to all my 7th graders;)
slcard says
Dear Mr. Bransford:
Well, here I am, late to the party again. I fear some things will never change.
I just want to wish you a great big CONGRATULATIONS on your book deal for Jacob Wonderbar. It's boy trades foodstuff for adventure is it? That reminds me of this fellow Jack…. Gosh, I love that old folktale. I really look forward to enjoying yours. Wow, and it was only just over a year ago that I was so put out when I thought you were dissing aspiring authors. I just knew there was a builder in you.
I must say I can't be more pleased that your story will be middle grade. It is going to make shopping for my son's friends' birthdays so much easier. Heck, I might even theme a birthday party at my house in Jacob's honor.
I wish you every success. I really couldn't be more happy for you.
My very best,
Sara Card
mkcbunny says
Wow. Nathan, this is fantastic.
You truly are the most amazing and inspiring person. You have the day-and-night job, plus this time-consuming (for you) and helpful (for the rest of us) blog, AND you've written several novels, AND gotten a deal on this one. I am delighted for you and impressed by all that you do.
wellreadrabbit says
That's brilliant, Nathan! Your novel sounds right up my ally.
I'm also happy I can now say that I share an agent with Nathan Bransford! What a strange and wonderful thing 🙂
wellreadrabbit says
Oops … my message seems to have appeared twice (I'm not sure how – but there you go!)
Congrats again!
Gargi says
I am super-duper late to the party, but please accept my congratulations for this stupendous achievement. Here's wishing the book becomes a huge success!
jdiderrich says
Maybe you could share your successful query letter with us still-struggling-to-get-it-right folks?
Leah says
Brilliant work, man. Can't wait to read it!
Jenn says
HOLY CRAPOLA! I wish I hadn't been so busy with school to miss this piece of information! OMG! I'm so excitedly happy for you! Awwww. I feel like I saw that one coming. Though I'm not sure I would have thought middle grade. I was thinking an Agent-related book. But still. Great news!
OH MY GAH! Wow. Terribly great news. 🙂 I'm so jealous and so proud because I just love when I hear that great people have great things happen to them!
PurpleClover (Jenn)
B.J. Anderson says
I realize you've heard this hundreds of times already, but does it ever get old?! Congratulations!!
stacy says
I didn't see this post and didn't know you're publishing a novel. Congrats! Sorry it's so late in coming . . .
MzMannerz says
Can I give you a congrats this late? Will you even see it?
I completely missed this post, and came back to find it after seeing your profile on the new and improved blog.
Wow, awesome – congrats! Can't wait to read it.
maine character says
I'm totally new here, and I can't think of a better introduction to you and your work than this introduction to your book – how you did it and what matters to you and all the rest.
Just browsed a bit and found your Writing Database, and I'm off to stuff my stocking. Or at least my printer. In fact, the only thing I don't like about your site is there's far too many Comments to read through.
So thanks for the tips, and major congrats on Jacob!
Alexandria Gilbert says
Hmmm. I've only been reading your blog since October, so I am terribly late on this.
CONGRATULATIONS. Your posts are like happy little presents in my inbox every day. I'm 16 and think I'll maybe-possibly-hopefully be a legitimate writer someday, and your blog is not only hysterical but also extremely informative. Gosh. Don't hold it against me if I see your book in a store someday soon and exclaim, "Oh my God, I know that guy!" Even though, you know, I don't…
I'm very happy for you!
steeleweed says
Would be very interested in seeing the query letter you wrote, based on having read a zillion of them. Can you post it?
Ryan says
Hah! I was just drinking a cup of Jacob's at Philz wondering why that name sounded so familiar. Congrats many times over.
Samantha G says
I'm withh Steleweed- POST YOUR QUERY LETTER!!! But you gave up agenting… =( I'm just kidding- congratulations!