Now for something a little different.
I’m going to be out of the office next week working at an orphanage in South America through Travelocity’s Travel for Good program – more on this when I return. Rather than the usual mix of re-posts and best-of-posts, I thought I’d open things up to you, the bloggers and would-be-bloggers who read the blog.
So. Want to get something off your chest? Want to build some blog traffic? Want to tell the world about your love of reality television shows? Want to mock me mercilessly? Now’s your chance.
Here’s how this will work:
– Please e-mail a guest post between now and noon Pacific time tomorrow (Thursday) to
– Please limit yourself to one entry.
– Please do not e-mail entries to my work address.
– Make sure to format your blog post in block formatting (i.e. single spaced, double spaces between paragraphs, no indenting, plain text) for easy copying and pasting.
– I will choose the five best, most helpful, funniest, awesomest posts to run next week and link to the guest blog author’s blog or website or Amazon page or favorite charity or what have you. The topic is totally up to you, although some relevancy to this blog’s themes will probably receive preference (but not necessarily!).
– I regret that I will not be able to run every post, and thus some blog post writing may be in vain. But! You can always use the post on your own blog, or, heck use it in your novel. Recycling encouraged!
– Rules and guidelines subject to change without notice.
– Did I mention you only have a little over 24 hours? Sorry for the short deadline!! (Actually it was intentional).
I aim to leave you in good hands. Thanks, everyone.
Links are fine, I'll figure it out. But no attachments, it would be too cumbersome to have to open them all to read them.
Wow, I've known about your legendary fast response time but it's another to experience it myself. Thanks!
Pick me, oh pick me please the Prince of Nigeria demands it.
This was actually kind of fun. I use to write an opinion column for my local newspaper once a month when I was in college and it was exactly like that. A splash of serious, a splash of comedy and lots of fun writing.
I also had been wanting to write my little piece for awhile and put it on my website or blog now I had an excuse to write it so if Nathan doesn't pick me oh well it can always go on my website or blog.
I can't decide. I can't decide. This is literally going to kill me.
There's one old post I could expand upon…..But there are so many new ideas….
Nathan, I don't suppose I could query you with my ideas about a guest post? And you could request a partial or a full?
I'm. Going. To. Die.
I don't even care about winning at this point. I just want to pick a topic.
Mira well you better hurry as now there is only four spots left since I already sent my entry 😉
How will we know Nathan if we have won, will you email us back or do we have to wait it some kind of limbo tell next week and see our pretty little entry on your blog.
nathan: when will you announce which entries will be posted? I mean, will you let us/the winning entries know ahead of time? Or say when you've made the decision?
patrick and anon-
I'll try and announce the winners on Thursday or Friday. That way people who didn't win can go ahead with their posts on their own blogs if they want.
Forgive me if it's been asked, but can it be a repost of something we've already posted on our own blog?
Anon – he said yes to that.
I'm afraid I'm going away myself, but on no mission so noble, only a trip to Pasadena for July 4, including a trip to the Huntington Library and Gardens, which I shall write about on my return.
Stay safe Nathan!
I LOVE the Huntington. I was planning to write about it on my own travel blog.
Hope you have fun!
I'm in, great idea Nathan. Thanks for posting that link on Travel for Good as well. Interesting stuff.
Enjoy your vacation!
Super awesome idea! But can I tear myself away from my obsessive editing for long enough to sit down and write a post? I guess time will tell…
Have fun in South America. I went to Peru last year and I am itching to get back over there!
The experience in S. America will be life changing for you, I think. Both my kids worked in Peru at a woman's shelter and came back completely dedicated to helping people; both of them work for AmeriCorp now. This is amazing work and so needed throughout the world. You inspire all of us. Makes me want to get up and go volunteer…sigh. Have fun and take care of yourself while you're down there.
I got nuttin' – well nuttin' good anyway.
Mira I'm jealous of your dilemma. Oh where oh where is my Muse – Yoo-hoo!!!!
Maybe I should sleep on it. Or drink on it… hmmm…
That's awesome Nathan! I hope you have a great time, learn alot and make great memories to share with all of us.
I'll try to submit a post, not quite sure what to write though. We shall see!
Allegory, just because I have ideas, doesn't mean that I have anything good either!
Can I help though? For ideas? I looked at your profile, and the third line under interests. Write about that. Why make that choice? Or – is there something you'd change about the industry? Get on a soap box. The 24 hour deadline can make you worry too much about quality. Don't. You're competing against people who might have written blog posts ages ago and spent maybe months writing them. Write from the heart. No one can compete against your heart – it's unique. You can do that in 24 hours. And you'd be surprised what will come out. Selected or not, it will be valuable writing.
oh. That's my soapbox.
Hope it was welcome. Um, ignore it if it wasn't.
That said, I've posted enough for today. I need to man up, and choose a darn topic and do some writing.
eeenny, minny moe…..
Bravo, Nathan! That's a brilliant way to spend time away from the daily grind.
PS: Please promise you won't eat cuy! My pets would not approve… 😉
Sent! Thanks for doing this, and thanks for doing good.
Oops…I lied. I did do a blog. Well, when inspiration strikes, right?
I took the bait line and sinker. It should be there by now. In any event it was a fun piece to write.
Have a grand time, while away. I think if all of us gave a small part of our time and lives to help others, the world would find a measure of serenity. (Hugs) Indigo
What a cool idea! The contest and the orphanage visit both! I don't think I'll have the time to enter the contest, but I'm looking forward to reading the winners.
Aw gee shucks Mira, you're so nice. Thanks for the pep talk. I've got a couple ideas… and they're all from the heart <3
Thanks Nathan! Very fun idea. Nothing wrong with having something new to post on my own blog in any case.
This is awesome! Thanks, Nathan, for giving us all a chance to guest blog.
Have a fabulous trip, you noble, giving man, you.
I sat down to write a post. Honestly I did. For true. I wrote 2 whole sentences before it reminded me of a really cool new scene for my novel.
I don't know whether that counts as distraction, or some kind of reverse distraction… like the time my Math teacher gave me a detention for reading my English book in class (yep, bonafide rebel).
Either way, my word veri is kiefult. Kapow! Egad! Pow! Kiefult!
You're an inspiration, Nathan. Hope all goes well. Looking forward to hearing more on your return.
Nice information provide by you.
You are doing very well job! keep it up.
Entry in. Cool idea. I already want to edit it and add something.
Maybe if mine is chosen I can add in the left out stuff in the comments section. 🙂
Done and in! Good luck to everyone who entered.
I can't get my email to work at so I will need to send it elsewhere????
I only just now noticed where you're going to be (how's that for being self-centered?). That sounds awesome. I look forward to hearing about it when you get back.
Nathan – is your volunteer work part of your vacation, or will you be spending the entire time at the orphanage? And is any of the trip subsidized? My husband has always wanted to do this but just didn't know how. If you could give a little more logistical info, that would be great! Thanks.
Hope your trip rocks! That is just awesome.
I had not heard of the Travel for Good program, but I checked it out yesterday. The different projects available sound awesome.
I was so concerned with getting the formatting correct in my e-mail hat I forgot to say thank you!
So: thank you! 🙂
I was kinda hoping from the title of the post that the selectees would all win Mini Coopers…
I mean, it only seems fair.
Terrific opportunity for us, thanks! My submission has been e-mailed and if my not-always-reliable server has cooperated it should make it before your deadline.
Phew. Done.
Allegory, yea – good for you. I hope you turned something in! 🙂
Lol. I can not believe I wrote what I wrote. But that's what happens when you have such a tight deadline. Even you're surprised.
This was amazing, Nathan. Thank you so much!
What a great use of an agent's blog: getting everyone scratching away, writing, writing, writing.
And to spend all this time while you must be getting ready for a vacation.
Just re-read my submission and found a proofreading error. Damn these 51-year-old eyes!
My 51-year-old brain also let me down. By mistake, I began my post with a rhetorical question! Horrors!
I've just discovered why Nathan is travelling- here is "Travel for Good" statement:
"We believe that travel can transform not only your perspective, but the vitality of communities, places, and people. And that it can ultimately enrich the world itself — because whenever you engage with the world, there is an opportunity to bridge long distances, fill gaps, and make a much-needed difference. We believe we can better the world, one trip at a time."
What a wonderful idea! I did not know this program existed. Thank you for posting the link, and I just submitted my application to work at an orphanage in Peru over my Christmas break from college.
I have always wanted to do something like this but I could have never afforded to go on my own.
Thank you for being so generous with your time. Please let us all know how your trip went.