Josephine Damian passed along a pretty interesting article from The Globe and Mail about the rise of author websites and specifically fantasy author George R.R. Martin’s. You see, fans are waiting on the next installment of Martin’s series, which has been a bit delayed, and some are rather impatient, to the point that they are begrudging him his vacations and trips to football games (which he blogs about).
The article then goes on to assess the impact of legions of fans/detractors as they interact with authors through websites and reviews. Clearly the era of sending a book into the ether is over. Everything is public, and authors especially.
But this got me thinking. Is there an implied contract between an author and their readers? Does an author owe their readers, whether that’s a timely delivered manuscript or a certain quality threshold?
And yes, would that we all be authors who are getting assailed because readers can’t bear to wait another day to read our books.
RW says
Writers owe their readers authenticity–their best sincere effort.
Bane of Anubis says
As a fan of Martin’s I can definitely understand reader’s anxiety in waiting for the next installment (perhaps why my brother always waits until a series is finished before he starts reading it), but in terms of what an author owes, I don’t think he owes too much.
Timeliness/promptness is nice, but not at the expense of the story. And, in terms of story, the author should never pander to fans (as I’ve heard was done in the most recent Meyer book), although given the internet’s far-reaching and all-encompassing power, it’s hard not to imagine fan infiltration (particularly for bloggers like Mr. RRM).
WV – slybat (damn skippy)
Justus M. Bowman says
I don’t expect much from authors, but if I become a super author, I will prefer happy fans over angry fanatics.
T. Anne says
I find this fascinating. Of course if there is a tease of more to come, the author by all means should oblige his readers.
I’ve found myself on occasion reaching the end of a book and wanting to know more. I think it’s hopelessly frustrating to dedicate yourself to a novel only find yourself left hanging by the author, esp. if the novel is not a part of a series.
I’m not familiar with the author you’ve mentioned but I’m going to look him up,his blog too. I’ve written a series, still shopping a home for publication but I would be ever so grateful if there was a demand for more. 😉
Dara says
I don’t expect much from authors either–they have lives too–but that being said, it would be nice to have a brief update once in awhile (maybe once or twice a year) if they are progressing on a novel (mainly if it’s a novel in a series since the readers are waiting to see what happens next in the story).
Stephanie Reed says
I love your blog, but hey, listen, I’m awake like three hours earlier than you. Can you post with EST in mind? ‘Cause that three hour time difference is really inconvenient for me, your reader, whom you owe, haha.
When I talk to classes about my books (which feature guy main characters), a girl will usually ask when I’m going to write a girl story. That’s a valid request that I will consider. Would I want kids to berate me for not writing faster? No, but what a compliment. I mostly blog about book-related news rather than my personal life, but that’s my style.
Gary James says
Writers owe their readers a story. He should just keep stalling, but in a charming and captivating way that keeps the nutters and bunny boilers happy.
I’m kidding. He should maybe stop whinging about it though. Either that or stop blogging. It’s not a difficult choice in the end.
Vegas Linda Lou says
I think authors need to meet the expectations we set up for our readers. Books promoted as humorous should be funny, self-help books should be helpful, etc.
I will soon be looking prospective readers in the eye (even virtually) saying, “Bastard Husband: A Love Story will both empower and entertain you. You will laugh out loud. As you learn about my life, you will gain new insights into your own.” I owe it to my readers to deliver on that promise. And with a title like that, they’ll expect some good old fashioned cursing–I’ll deliver on that, too!
Cat Moleski says
I think authors owe their readers good books. While I love it when my favorite authors push out a book a year, I am disappointed if they are not well done.
I’d rather see an author wait and produce a good book, than rush to publish too soon.
Elissa M says
I don’t believe authors “owe” me anything, but if their work disappoints me, I will read nothing more from them. By “disappoints” I mean a major drop off in quality.
I also hate books that don’t end, so I usually don’t follow series unless they’re already finished (much like Bane of Anubis’s brother). A series where each novel has some resolution, even if the main conflict isn’t completed, is okay (Harry Potter).
There are lots of books out there for me to read, so I don’t stress out too bad if a favorite author fails to deliver. My funds are limited though, so it behooves authors to stay in my good graces (so to speak) if they wish to sell to me. 😉
Ink says
I think fans have the right to be frustrated. That’s an honest reaction. But I don’t necessarily feel they have a right to have their expectations met merely because they expect it. Writing a book is an odd and illogical process, one that’s hard to predict and schedule. As long as a writer is doing his best, both to write a good book and meet his deadlines, I think that’s all you can expect. That sense of entitlement readers seem to feel reminds me of that sense of entitlement I sometimes stumble across in writers: I should be published and coddled because the world owes it to me. I did my job and wrote the book and now expect my just rewards.
For readers… well, you paid money for earlier books. You read and enjoyed them (otherwise you wouldn’t be waiting for the next one), and so you’ve got your money’s worth out of the investment. If you’re hoping to make a similar future investment it seems wiser to support the writer who can provide the desired product rather than lash out at him. Writers are human. Mostly. And a bit of peace usually helps with productivity.
I sympathize with the frustration. I mean, writers are readers first. I remember reading a series by Melanie Rawn years ago which she left unfinished… and the series is still unfinished, and people are still complaining about it. Yes, back then I wished the series was completed. But I don’t feel she “owes” me a story. If you don’t like waiting… well, don’t wait. Lots of other books out there.
Ah, tough love… ain’t it grand.
My best, as always,
Bryan Russell
Josephine Damian says
OOh, a nice linky-shout out from Nathan.
I think the writer owes the reader a good story, well told. That’s it.
How long between books? I keep thinking about that old Orson Welles commercial: We will serve no wine before it’s time.
Great books are not written in haste, and are worth waiting for.
Fan access? I keep thinking about the advice of James Joyce that writers like Don DeLilo and Cormac McCarthy certainly take to heart: Silence, exile and cunning.
I don’t believe a writer owes any fan personal access.
I also like this quote: The author should shut his mouth when his work begins to speak. (Friedrich Nietzsche).
Anonymous says
When you write a good mystery or suspense story you owe the reader resolution. You give them hints and teases along the way so that they are reward for their diligence in reading on and then aren’t completely side swiped during the finale when you unmask the villian. If you don’t deliver these things to the reader then you don’t have a very good book.
If you are writing a series you must apply this to each book and the series as a whole. The readers are waiting for more and you owe them some small reward for their patience If the book ends with “to be continued” then you probably should have the sequel out pretty soon. If a television show has a season finale cliff hanger then you expect them to be back next season, not 2 or 3 seasons later.
Of course things can get in the way of writing, life happens. But it would be nice if you could give the reader some reward for their patience. Maybe release a related short story, or even serialize the first few chapters before publishing the full novel.
LawStudent says
Nope. No implied contract because the readers have offered no consideration. Now, if reader purchase books before they are written, then yes, contract theory should be applied.
L.C. Gant says
If authors “owe” their readers anything, it is simply the best story that is in them at the time. Once an author begins writing to please his readers, he risks losing the authenticity that drew them to his work in the first place.
Guy Gavriel Kay makes a fantastic point in his article. While I certainly understand George R.R. Martin’s perspective, he set himself up for attack by opening his life up to public perception through a blog.
Even if Martin is hard at work on the next installment in his series, blogging about football games and vacations gives readers the IMPRESSION that he’s taking his sweet time. If his novel wasn’t highly anticipated, he could probably get away with that, but since it is, he needs to keep those kind of posts few and far between.
Instead, I’d recommend Martin blog about what his readers want to read about most right now–his writing process. Sharing his thoughts about the joys and challenges of writing (as in “Wrote 3,000 words today, yay!” or “Boy, I’m stuck on this chapter” is a great way to provide a behind-the-scenes look at what really goes into creating a novel. That would give him the time he needs while appeasing his fans.
Felicity says
I read about a song writer a few years ago who said she wished she lived in a different era. Although a very private person, her fans wanted blogs and pictures and basically to know EVERYTHING about her. She just wanted to write songs. I think many classic writers would similarly despise the kind of privacy invasion that happens with celebrity today.
A says
As others have already stated, first and foremost, writers owe their readers a good, well-written story. But, I have to disagree, and say that an author who is writing a series has made a commitment to that series. They owe their reader an ending, no matter where it goes. Though, not at the expense of quality. If the last book is going to be crap, then I’d rather the series just hang open-ended.
I also think writers owe their readers consistency with quality. If books A-C were phenomenal, books D-E (series or not) should be just as good. I would argue that they should even be better. We should always be growing as writers, always be challenging ourselves. Complacency breeds mediocrity.
Perhaps, that’s more what we owe ourselves…
PurpleClover says
I think the author owes a reader a great ending.
Mira says
Law Student, that was funny.
This is facinating! Thanks for the topic, Nathan.
This is sort of what I think, but it may change as I read the discussion.
I’m really not surprised that Martin is endlessly teasing his readers. Martin’s books span an enormous tapestry. Enormous. The books themselves as almost teases, because they barely scratch the surfac.
I’ve stopped reading Martin, because he’s so damn bloody and – at times – cruel. Anyone who loves Martin, though, should figure that’s it’s pretty much his style to take his very long, damn time.
Does Martin owe his readers anything different? Nope. That’s who he is. Will readers choose to participate in the relationship? That’s up to them.
But putting pressure on an author to hurry a book, or change the contents is just plain dumb. Creativity happens when it happens. Trying to force it, just because you want to be entertained, is not a good thing. It will inevitably lower the quality of the work.
Which brings up the reverse question. Do readers owe the author anything?
Respect? Patience?
Just a thought.
Deaf Indian Muslim Anarchist! says
well, if a writer launches a series of books and announces that s/he is going to write another book, then yeah the writer owes that to the readers.
if you’re just a novelist who write novels (but not a series), you owe nothing to anybody.
Luisa Perkins says
I get totally miffed when I hear GRRM isn’t chained to his desk 10 hours per day. But this is because I love his world and his writing. Love forces me to be patient.
Kristi says
Absolutely the author owes his readers, his agent, editor, etc. timely manuscripts that are also of good quality. If you think about it, the readers are the writer’s employer – if they’re not buying the books, there will be no need for a deadline. I understand not putting out something of poor quality BUT…
From a business perspective, if an employer asked his employee to write up a proposal for the budget meeting on Thursday, the employee can’t say that he’s just not “feeling it,” or do a crappy job (if he wants to keep his job). You stay up late, you write it, and you write it well. If I am ever blessed to have such eager readers, it will be my pleasure to keep them happy! 🙂
Martin Willoughby says
The author owes the reader a good book that doesn’t waste the reader’s time and money. Beyond that…I’m unsure.
We do have the example of actors and musicians who the public feel they own, but is that the kind of art authors are creating? Is that the kind of exposure that we are being readied for?
Why not reverse the question as well and ask what does the reader owe the author?
Marilyn Peake says
Wow, fascinating article. Really interesting stuff. I can hardly believe how George R.R. Martin is being hounded. Hope he doesn’t end up on some reality show to lose weight and buff up like a movie star.
As to what an author owes their readers, I think it depends on how a society views the purpose of books. Personally, I miss the gool ol’ days that appear to have come to an end within the past few years when books were considered intellectually valuable, some written for actual intellectual content, others written primarily for entertainment. An author was expected to be creative, to daydream, to think, to ponder, to live life fully before writing about…ummm, insights into life…and there seemed to be a general understanding that all of that takes time. It took Barbara Kingsolver ten years to write The Poisonwood Bible, and that was O.K. Newspapers and TV news wouldn’t report stories until they had at least two credible sources, and that was O.K., too.
In today’s world of instant communication, the news is not only allowed to report rumors and verify them later, they’re expected to do that in order to get the story out. With books, popular authors are expected to pump out books and chat on the Internet in the meantime. That isn’t always a bad thing. Blog writing seems to actually sharpen the writing skills of many authors, and certainly helps them break free of the reclusive lifestyle required when writing.
Authors determined to write without blogging, e.g. J.K. Rowling and Cormac McCarthy, certainly seem able to avoid it. On the other hand, some highly intellectual authors, including Paulo Coelho, seem to relish comprehensive websites, blog-writing, YouTube interviews, etc.
I would say that an author only “owes” readers interaction if they enter into a contract where their work is clearly viewed as more “product” than intellectual endeavor, and they’re expected to undertake massive book promotion in order to make large sums of money- -which sorta defines book publishing today.
Scott says
As many have said, authors simply owe readers their best work.
I think people, fans, lose perspective. A story is just a story!
I’ll never forget the time I went to a Star Trek movie. It was one of the Next Generation flicks. This young woman sitting near the front row clapped loudly each and every time a new actor’s name was flashed on the screen. As in, “yeah, Jean-Luc!!!”
My reaction is, get a LIFE! If the delay of reading about a fictional character is going to cause that much grief in your life, you should seek help and lots of it.
Susan Helene Gottfried says
I owe my readers the best I can give them. Always. Deadlines be damned (and thank God I don’t have any).
As a reader, I want the best fiction that particular author can give me. Deadlines be damned.
Yep, I’d rather wait nine months instead of six if it means a better book. I’d rather wait two years if it means a brilliant entry into a favorite series.
Just maybe, while I’m waiting for that release, I’ll get caught up on some of the other series I’m drowning in.
But back to your question: always the best.
Thomas Burchfield says
What do I, as a 2riter, owe a reader? — the best shot I have in me. This is understanding that not everything I write will attain my own lofty, high-nosed standards, though I will try. Judgment is always soft and fallible, in a worn pillow-like way. But the effort should always be there.
Writers are under obligation not to be *boring* in the sense that a phone book is boring (Okay okay, yes, you love to read the phone book I’m sorry I offended you . . . .)
Right now, my “fan base” numbers my fingers and toes (if I had an extra hand or two). My “essay site” I used mostly to publicize my unfinished book (I refuse to call what I do there a “blog.” To my mind, to “blog” means to provide a minute-by-minute account of events best not described (” . . . and then I closed the bathroom door and … wow! It happened again!”)Unless George R.R. Martin has some unique Roger Angell-like insight into football, maybe he shouldn’t bother.
Justus: I’m afraid that whoever of us becomes famous, we will get both.
Vieva says
I think that authors owe their readers what they promise in the first place. If that’s a book a year, they need to do that – but if they get it done a few months early two years in a row, that does NOT mean that third year they deserve the book early.
I have friends that I email my daily pages to – I’m using this as comparison. Do I *owe* them my fiction? No – it is mine and they get it because I choose to share it. That said, were I to randomly decide to leave the stories in the middle and take up basket weaving, that would be unfair to them. I’ve given them the beginning, I should at least TRY to give them a middle and an ending.
But I don’t owe new friends those daily pages. Only those I make the contract with in the first place.
An author has a right to take care of himself as well. Not just his readers. If an author does NOTHING but sit at the keyboard and write all day, that fiction is going to turn to suck really fast.
If they want a GOOD story, they should be glad he’s getting out and doing stuff. If they want the same old same old – just reread the last book already! 😀
m clement hall says
He owes nothing to the reader beyond representing his work correctly.
On the other hand, if he is a professional he owes to himself the effort of obtaining the continuing support of his readers
lynnrush says
Yeah, I’d have to agree. The writer owes his/her readers a conclusion that is satisfying…..but how long between those books…not so sure.
I’m sure authors write and work as fast as they can, but it’s a long process sometimes.
Anonymous says
I don’t think the relationship between writer and reader should include the sort of indebtedness that the word “owe” implies. A writer feels compelled to put down in words her/his thoughts and experiences, and the reader brings those words to life in the act of reading. This relationship is an intimate, one-on-one interchange between two strangers, mediated by words. So the idea that a writer might “owe” readers future books is foreign to me.
bryngreenwood says
For any given book I buy, I feel that the author owes me a good story, but beyond that book…no. Just as the reader is under no obligation to buy the writer’s next book, the writer is under no obligation to put out a next book at all, let alone on your timeline.
Anita says
Best work only…if they’re really successful, they can hire legions to take over the website and all the extras…just interviewed Jodi Picoult for my column…her team does a fantastic job of maintaining her site and (by all appearances) her schedule.
Josh says
I have been watching what has happened with George RR Martin and to Patrick Rothfuss and think that the biggest part of the problem stems from projected release dates. I think that release dates shouldn’t be published to the public until the book is in the Publisher’s hand – but maybe I’m being naïve.
In my opinion,authors owe their readers effort and that is about it. I think Martin and Rothfuss are trying to get their books done and written as well as possible. I think the general reading public doesn’t really recognize that what authors do is just like any other job, which I think is evident in how many people I see who are shocked at how much stuff authors have to do other than just writing their books – tours, marketing, websites, contracts, etc.
Authors need to go be with their family, relax, have vacations, but fans don’t want to hear about excuses, they want that book in their hands. Fan is short for fanatic.
I have wondered, though, if Martin and Rothfuss would calm some people down if maybe they had 6 or 7 short stories or some kind of exclusive material that they could just throw out onto their sites to give the fans something while they wait for the next book.
MaLanie says
Wow! Talk about entertainment addicts! I think people need to get a life, and get a grip on reality!
It is a freaking book- there are much bigger issues in this world to deal with than worrying over the release date of a book.
If he has a commitment date to his publisher then it is between the two of them.
As a reader no, I do not feel an author owes me anything other than a good story for the book I purchased.
As a writer I would be working everyday on my project just because I am a workaholic.
Julie Weathers says
Odd you should post this because I was thinking about this yesterday and planned on blogging about it today. Unfortunately, I decided to rant instead.
You did it better anyway, so it all works out.
I have no problem with authors taking vacations, enjoying their families, going to ballgames etc. What I do have a problem with is when they establish an audience for a work, sometimes a huge audience, and then they flit off like a butterfly to pursue another project. A writer who has two or three writing projects going at once when they have a fan base for a series frustrates me. I will finish the Ice and Fire series, but I doubt I will start any more of his books unless it’s a complete series.
If you’re going to write a series, keep to your schedule on it. If you don’t have the commitment and responsibility to do this then either don’t write a series or let your readers know it will be years in between books so they should wait until you get done, if you ever do.
I read a book by a new author some years ago. It was good and I liked the characters. I kept looking for the sequel and it arrived three years later. I bought it so I could have closure. Then I found there was another book.
I threw both of them away and I never throw books away. I will never, ever again buy something by her. Ever. Did I say never?
It doesn’t take three years to write 300 pages.
Michael Pickett says
I think the author does have a contract with the reader when it comes to content of their books. People are shelling out hard earned money for their books, so they had better put everything they got into every single one of them. That book better be the best the author can make it.
As far as hitting deadlines go, I think the author decides if he has a contract with the reader. That contract will do nothing but benefit the author because letting his readers know when a book will be released will only increase anticipation and boost sales when the book comes out. If an author is not forthcoming with this information, he risks losing the reader’s interest, and thus a loyal fan. So, giving the fans the inside scoop on what’s going on is good for the author, in my opinion, but if he doesn’t want to do it, that’s up to him.
Anna says
I think the instantaneous aspect that is internet communication (blogging, Facebook, etc.) does present a previously unexplored aspect of this issue, one I certainly haven’t considered towards the authors I read.
and now as a published author, what does that mean to me?
I suppose it depends upon, speaking as an author, how much of my life do I choose to expose, therefore allowing criticisms in. equally, wearing my reader hat, how demanding am I in my quest for entertainment?
I wait for football season each year, September rolling in with baited breath, eager for weeks of Sunday delights…
is it the same with waiting for a book to be written?
honestly, it’s not. not sure why.
anyways, if as an author I’m going to gab about every little holiday I take, every break from work noted in great detail, then yeah, I should expect some flack. or I should refrain from leaking my entire life on a site, and let fans assume I’m typing those fingers to the bone.
is there a point an author needs to refrain from crossing? or is it because our computers put so much at our brains with so little effort expended we assume it’s the same for writers… it’s all just going to pour right out onto the screen, easy as updating a status…
good grief… too much pondering. I need some tea…
faerie-writer says
Back in August when all the brohaha over ‘Breaking Dawn’ was happening, Justine Larbalestier and Diana Peterfreund had this very conversation. Justine felt that, no, writers didn’t owe their readers anything – – and Diana came up with the 4 Cs of a Writer’s Contract with the Reader. My favourite blog on the topic, though, was Shannon Hale’s on How to be a Reader –
StirlingEditor says
I believe series writers are obligated to get the next book out every 1-2 years. Besides, the writer wouldn’t want to lose out on the momentum of their first book.
Those who’ve written standalone works have more leeway, IMO.
Roland says
Obviously, there’s nothing owed to the reader, either implied or expressed, but I do think it’s a massive failure on Martin’s part to not maintain the momentum of rising interest his series has gained over the years. It’s good news for him that his fans are ravenous for more, and he’s what, two years over the time he told his fans he’d be finished with the new book. All the while he’s been very prolific in other genres, writing his heart out. Just not writing what his fans want him to write, what he’s become best known for.
With interest from a major TV network, you’d think he’d be that much more determined to prove that a satisfying end to the series will be forthcoming in our lifetimes.
But of course, none of this is owed, and good for him if he decided to go sideways and write whatever he feels like writing, fans be damned. Besides, it would be folly to rush lamprey pie.
lotusgirl says
I think an author owes their readers a well written book. It’s nice, if they write a series, to get the follow-up books in a timely manner, but not a crime if they don’t. They still deserve a life and some things are better not to be overly rushed. That said, I think it’s not in the author’s best interest to take more than 3 years for the next book in a series. Personally, I don’t want to wait a week if it’s a book I love, but I expect to have to wait a year. I accept 2 years. By 3 years I’m getting downright annoyed and impatient. Longer than that I think the author doesn’t care about the reader (me) and I may lose interest in the story.
nomadshan says
Authors owe their readers honesty, in writing and correspondence. Once a level of quality and scope has been set by a book, I think authors owe it to their readers (and themselves) to meet or exceed that level in subsequent books.
Anthony says
I suggest a fresh look at what is happening here. Yes, there is a certain “carefulness” one must use in what is said on a blog.
Somethings, however, are timeless, and are only exposed, not caused, by blogging. Such as doing what you said when you said you would do it.
Instead of accountability, we now have Accountability Plus Plus.
Steve Fuller says
I may never forgive Dean Koontz for never finishing his “Frankenstein” series. Seems very unprofessional to leave your readers hanging.
Sooki Scott says
Personally, I feel the high road has the least amount of detours.
It’s not right to create a need, and then be remiss in satisfying it. Of course, defining the term satisfying is a dangerous game since everyone has a different definition.
The simple truth is, give your hard-earned readership a book at reasonable intervals. Be honest about your personal goals and be consistent in your delivery.
We may want more books, but we’ll respect your honesty and keep reading.
Confucius say; man who drive like hell, bound to get there
kalany says
I think a commercial writer owes their readers exactly what they promise their readers.
If I get to the end of a book, and it says “The story will continue in blah blah blah out next June”, then by God I expect it to be out next June (or maybe July) unless some tragedy befalls the writer (severe car accident, six deaths in the family, etc).
Furthermore, I think leaving a story “hanging” at the end of a book is an implicit promise from the writer that they will continue the story in some reasonable time frame. Reasonable is here defined by their previous output: if they’ve put out a story a year for the last ten years, then I think it’s reasonable to expect a new story in a year, or a very good explanation why there isn’t one.
In other words, don’t make promises you can’t keep.
Note that I said commercial writers. I am, I will admit, active in several fandoms’ fic communities. There, life is very different, although I would argue we are no less writers. There’s the understanding there that your paid work comes first, and probably even your other leisure activities. But for a commercial writer, this is their job, and should come first, or like anyone else in an industry, they should risk losing it.
Anonymous says
I would never consider sending an author negative comments because they went to a football game or took a vacation. That’s certainly their right! I do get impatient for the next book in a series, and sometimes have wished that a certain author could write faster simply for the selfish motives of reading it sooner. BUT I would never expect that an author is busy working 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. They have as much right to a life as anyone else, and hey if those readers are reading the blog, then they certainly aren’t working every minute of the day!
The author owes the reader nothing until the book is published and the reader has bought it – the reader is owed a book that is written to the best of the author’s ability.
Holly West says
Authors owe their readers a good book and an honest representation of their work. That’s it. But of course, that’s not it.
Another example: Musicians. Do musicians “owe” their fans a tour when a new CD comes out? No. But a lot of fans get bent out of shape when an artist doesn’t tour, and it is often in the musicians best interest to do so.
One more example: The “celebrity as role model.” Charles Barkley used to say he wasn’t a role model–didn’t want to be one. His job was to play basketball well, which is what he did. But for better or worse (usually worse), he was also a role model, whether he wanted to be one or not. He might be still.
The reality is that with certain high profile jobs, i.e. an author, there is an implied contract that needs to at least be acknowledged if not accepted. If a person has fans/followers, and especially, seeks them out and interacts with them, then that implied contract becomes even less implied and more real, at least to the fans.
So even though the author owes nothing more than the single “book” they have put out at any given time (for which, presumeably, the fan has paid a fee), the reality is that there is relationship created between the author and his/her readers and that relationship carries implied responsibilities.
But in Martin’s case, it might be a little different–since this is a series, and his fans know there are more books to come, some of their motivation for buying might be at least partly based on this. In that case, the contract becomes less implied and a more tangible responsibility, I think.
Ulysses says
Um… “Everything is public, and authors are…” What? It seems Blogger ate the end of that sentence, and I’m kind of wondering what you were going to say.
It’s about expectations, I think. When I buy a book, I expect the writer to give me a good, complete story. When I buy the first book in a series, I expect the same thing.
If the author has written a book and has publicized that the sequel will be of comparable quality (a promise implicit in any subsequent publication) and on store shelves by a certain date, then he or she has made a commitment and I set my expectations accordingly: I expect to see that book on store shelves on that date. I expect people who make commitments to meet them. If they’re unable to do so, well I believe I have the right to be disappointed and to voice my disappointment regardless of the reason (NOTE: I don’t have the right to be rude or violent. C’mon, people, it’s a BOOK, an entertainment. Save your rage for AIG, whose failure to meet commitments cost you something IMPORTANT).