On Friday an anonymous commenter accused me of being too bleak and challenged, nay, dared, nay, triple-dog dared me to devote a week to nothing but positivity about the publishing industry, books, and the future.
My friends, I have two words for you: it’s on.
Let’s face it. This winter is feeling a little bleak. We could all use some more kittens and rainbows in our lives. Also puppies.
Everyone is here because of one reason and one reason only: we love books. We love the heck out of them. And last time I checked: they’re still here.
Um, right? They are? Yes. Okay. Whew.
So to kick off positivity week, I would like to devote this post to an ode to you.
Yes, you.
I am so incredibly thankful for the people who read and comment on this blog! Honestly, when I started this thingamajig I had no idea what to expect. These queries poured into my office and I sometimes stared at them thinking…… who are these people?
Well, now I know: You all are smart, intelligent, lively, funny, hardworking, supportive, caring, and if I may say so, you have been looking quite dashing lately.
Most importantly: Anyone who writes has my undying admiration. Writing is HARD. It’s not hard like dig a ten foot trench with a plastic spoon hard, but still, it’s HARD. It takes concentration, time, patience, and a whole lot of delayed gratification. There are things that are more fun to do than write a novel, like going to Disneyland or watching Mad Men or eating bacon (or all three at once — basically how I envision heaven), but you put those things off and stare at your notepad or computer and put words down. You’re making something.
And many of you have written novels!! Do you know how hard it is to write a freaking novel?! So many people say they’re going to write a novel someday and never do it. Many of you have done it. It’s an incredible accomplishment. It doesn’t matter how many people read it: whether it’s one person or a million it’s something that should be a source of immense pride.
Even if I sometimes feel like the Angel of Death when I’m answering queries, I hope you know that I am very thankful for the people who query me and I don’t take it at all lightly that people are putting themselves out there with their life’s work. I even (usually) get a kick out of the people who send me angry e-mails accusing me and my generation of being vain and vapid and everything that’s wrong with literature. Hey, buddy, my generation HAS our depression. We’re building character in spades. You got nothin’ on us anymore.
So check that negativity at the door. We’re getting positive, people.
EMC07 says
Positivity… On a Monday? That’s impressive. Thanks for the warm fuzzies 🙂 Love the blog. Thanks for writing and keeping us informed. You are awesome.
I feel all warm inside and it was 7 degrees today.
talshannon says
You’re part of the next generation? You can’t be *that* young — you’re showing video of Kermit’s first movie! That came out ages ago, when I was just a . . . oh wait, does this mean I’m not that young anymore?
Kim Kasch says
Puppies, kittens, rainbows and FROGS. I had to listen to see if it was Kermie or a Fraggle.
D. Williams says
Darth Nathandar or Strawberry Brancake (ok. that doesn’t work. anyhoo). Either way we got nothin but luv for you Nathan…
and bacon of course. Shouldn’t have one without the other. This blog as always is a must read.
Elyssa Papa says
All for postivity and more good things this week.
But does this mean we can’t talk about the finale, or the After the Rose ceremony of The Bachelor last night?
Misssy M says
Nope, despite all that, I’m still negative. Got an email from my agent last night telling me she’s had no takers from the publishers she sent my book to. And this is the real source of my depression. She said, amongst other things, “Depressing, yes, but not an indication of the quality of work, I think. Just the recession. If this had been 2006, we’d be laughing”
So I’d like a time machine please. Anyone want a ride?
Toni Kenyon says
And Angels, we need more Angels, Nathan.
Richard Lewis says
Two comments. If this is going to be positivity week, then may I ask why you are “afraid” that you don’t represent poetry and screenplays? Be courageous in your un-representation! Wouldn’t it be more positive to say “I boldly won’t represent poetry and screenplays”?
(Um, before the literal minded jump on their keyboards and point out the how the niceties of language are used, may I point to the tongue in my cheek.)
Second, dogs. Dog people know the range of emotions that dogs express, simple direct straightforward emotions, but are dogs capable of expressing amusement? Examples would be wonderful and positive to share…
Heather says
I like this kinder, gentler Nathan. (Probably because I know it’s finite in nature.)
Ulysses says
In a moment of frightening synchronicity, I posted the same video on Sunday.
If there is some significance to this co-incidence, it’s lost on me. I’m not that deep.
But: the frog rules.
KatherineR says
Thanks for this.
My three year old comments:
“I love froggies. Cute froggies.”
Anonymous says
No negativity, huh?
So that’s why you didn’t mention the Bachelor finale…
Susan Helene Gottfried says
Hidey-ho, Nathan! Great video choice.
To be honest, I am seeing a lot of positive stuff in the publishing world, but then, I’m looking in some very unusual places.
marye.ulrich says
Happy Happy Week!
I celebrated yesterday by reading a book just for fun. Imagine that!
I picked one book from my TBR pile, sat in a comfy chair with a footstool, got a large ice tea, put on some soft music and read about… a murder–oops, sorry, but the story has interesting characters, clever analogies…. oh, happy day.
Stef Kramer says
Positivity. Whether it’s realism or escapism, what an utterly perfect way to begin March.
Sara says
Thank you Nathan! You made my day with your positive post.
lettersfrombella says
Nice idea, Nathan.
Also, (on a completely unrelated but still interesting note) aren’t you sick of the bachelors not picking any of the girls? I don’t know. It feels like I wasted two months of my life waiting for something that didn’t happen.
Samika Swift says
Thank you for this post; I needed its message today.
Anonymous says
Well, your positivity week might have been blown by the Bachelor last night. Yikes!
Nathan Bransford says
Re: the Bacehlor.
Well, that was some gripping TV!
Kate Pierson says
I was just staring out at Minnesota snowdrifts indulging my seasonal affective disorder and thinking, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean people aren’t out to get you” when I received your latest.
Nice timing on the kittens and rainbows. Thanks, Nathan. For an Angel of Death, you’re all right.
other lisa says
@ Missy M: Me! Me!
I’m positive as long as I don’t think too much. Where’s my kitten?
Mira says
Missy M. –
That’s hard, but hang in there. There’s no time machine backward, but there is one moving forward. Times will change.
Cindy Jacks says
LOL, love the Rainbow Connection video. I’m a big Kermit fan.
I wanted to thank you for pointing out that writing a novel in and of itself is a huge accomplishment. It’s easy for writers to get down on ourselves as the rejections roll in. Very true that most people say they’ll write a book and never do. Kudos for the positive perspective!
Mark says
173 comments so far..perhaps you have something there.
I started reading blogs in an effort to keep up with what was going on. I selected a set of blogs about interests I have and tried to get ones from both sides of the issues. I’ve dropped many (ok, most) because the endless screaming about the wrongs the other side is perpetrating becomes depressing and I find I simply lose interest.
I think that there is a lot of good going on, focusing on the bad gives you a lopsided viewpoint. Most people remember hitting 4 red lights in a row but how many remember hitting 4 green ones in a row?
I’m not a literary giant but i think there is a lot of positive in the publishing world, from manufacturers such as Amazon actually responding to the concerns of authors – whether you think its justified is a different issue, the point is they listened – to new ways support groups can meet to new methods of first-timers getting published, I think there is a lot of positive things going on right now.
I think this is a great thing and I look forward to your posts.
Justus M. Bowman says
Thanks for sharing the Rainbow Connection.
kat knox says
Ah, Nathan, love backatcha!! I fell out laughing when i saw the ‘rainbow connection’! Hysterical and yet completely a apropos for all us lovers and dreamers.
Kristine Overbrook says
“It is on.” 🙂 Love that
You’re off to a good start with Rainbow Connection Nathan.
LOL My first favorite song ever.
Thank you for reminding us that others know just how hard writing can be. Starting is agonizing, finishing is torture and don’t even get me started on the middle.
It’s awesome that you acknowledge it.
Thanks. I feel all warm and fuzzy.
Scott says
Nathan, I watched some of that Bachelor thing last night, and is it me or is that guy kind of creepy now? It’s as if he’s addicted to the show experience, and only loved that other girl because his reuniting with her held the dramatic potential he craved. Interesting story idea here, maybe: a spoiled manchild who manipulates his women in order to fall in love with their suffering. A Rose By Any Other Name might be a nice title. That or Soap Hunk Wannabe Weirdo 😉
I bet he’s thinking about the other one now, too.
waricap n. 1. a covering placed over the eyes in order to see through someone’s bullshit.
Nona says
I think that after six weeks our friend Jason finally realized that there’s more to picking a mate than bragging rights. Run, Jason, Run!
JASON (beer in hand)
Hehe. Yeah, my wife used to be a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys.
Wanda B. Ontheshelves says
Kermit, Kermit, Kermit…where have you been all this time?
I am waiting for the Muppet Wall Street movie to come out, I really am. Just picture in your mind the Bernie Madoff Muppet…
P.S. Put me in the Kermit Krybaby Klub – I couldn’t watch the whole thing, I wanted to, but it filled me with piercing nostalgia.
Conda V. Douglas says
Thanks Nathan! We need it these days–and here’s another good bit–the percentage of people who read has increased over the last 3 years by 3 percent–woohoo!
Deb Lehman says
Nathan, you rock! Love the positivity in this atmosphere of gloom and doom and Limbaugh. Unknown authors need all the rainbows we can get!
Bethany Brengan says
This is absolutely what I needed today. Rainbows, bacon, kittens, and Kermit are definitely all part of my vision of heaven.
Patrice says
Whoa, baby, do you get a lot of comments! I’ve been lurking for a while, but have finally come to the surface.
Everyone has already said so much, but I will add — thank you for taking the time to write this blog! I blog myself, and it is a fun effort, but an effort nevertheless. And, Nathan, do you read ALL the comments? You know you don’t usually get so many….
Thanks for the Kermit video. The theme song for us dreamers!
P.S. As an intellectual property attorney turned writer, I agree that you are unlikely to be in trouble by posting it. If not, everyone who put videos from YouTube on Facebook, their blogs, and the many newsblogs would be facing copyright infringement claims. I’m not sure that it actually qualifies as Fair Use, which is pretty specific, but you have a strong claim that established practices support your doing what the rest of the online world is doing.
That will be $300.00, please!
Court says
*gasp* Kittens! Puppies! Rainbows! Beach balls, glitter, lollipops, and smiley faces!
Also, there must be ice cream.
*end happy spluttering* You made me think happy thoughts. Thanks, Nathan! :oD
Erin Jade Lange says
i love the rainbow connection! and disneyland too! and books! aw, now i feel all warm and fuzzy. i’m very into this positivity week. 🙂
Muppet Soul says
Umm, I love you. If for no other reason than posting that video.
LOVE. The forever kind. You are now on the same list as Kermit.
And triple-dog daring is probably responsible for a lot of amazing things. And for tongues getting stuck to poles in the winter.
Caroline says
As an archaeologist-cum-novelist I am uniquely situated to respond to your comparison of digging a ten foot trench with a spoon and writing. You are correct. Writing is easier. For one thing, the ground freezing doesn’t affect your ability to write! And there is very little risk contracting lyme’s disease in a coffee shop.
HOWEVER I would rank it around the same difficulty as digging twenty little holes with nothing in them day after day after day… And then you find something, and you have to dig more little holes, in a circle… Yeah, writing kinda feels like that some days.
Oh, and I really appreciate positivity week. KITTENS!
Sarah says
Positivity—got it! I can do that.
I’m down with kittens! Ooo, and puppies! Rainbows too!
(And I’ve come out of hiding on your blog; be impressed, my friend!) 🙂
mt1761 says
What a great idea- I didn’t find you overly negative either, but I still commend you on pushing the positive. We need it, and not enough media offers it. And media really affects my mood, like it or not.